HD 6434

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HD 6434
dates equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Constellation Phoenix
Right ascension 01 h 04 m 40.2 s
declination -39 ° 29 ′ 18 ″
Apparent brightness 7.7 likes
Known exoplanets 1
Spectral class G
Radial velocity (+21.9 ± 1.2) km / s
parallax (24.17 ± 0.61)  mas
distance (135 ± 3)  ly
(41.4 ± 1.0)  pc
Proper movement 
Rec. Share: approx. −169  mas / a
Dec. portion: approx. −530  mas / a
Physical Properties
Other names
and catalog entries
Cordoba Survey CD −40 ° 239
Henry Draper Catalog HD 6434 [1]
Gliese catalog GJ 9037 [2]
Hipparcos catalog HIP 5054 [3]
SAO catalog SAO 192911 [4]
Tycho catalog TYC 7533-1111-1 [5]Template: Infobox star / maintenance / specification of the TYC catalog
Other names LHS 1188

HD 6434 is a star in the constellation Phoenix , which is orbited by the exoplanet HD 6434 b with an orbital period of around 22 days . The star has a spectral class of G; its mass roughly corresponds to the mass of the sun . Its distance to Earth is approximately 135 light years .

Planetary companion

The in 2000 by Mayor et al. Companion discovered using the radial velocity method has a minimum mass of 0.4 Jupiter masses. The major semiaxis of the orbit measures approx. 0.14 astronomical units , the eccentricity is 0.17.

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