Ha-Shem Ha-Mephorash

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Ha-Shem Ha-Mephorasch (השם המפורש ha-Shem ha-m e fôrash "the explicit (fixed) name", also ha-Shem ha-m e jûchad "the special name"), also Shemhamphorasch , is one of the names of God in Judaism. It is a matter of "the fully executed name of God"; the tetragram YHWH as a “full name” has been “ completely taboo since the destruction of the temple [...], but it also opened the door to“ secret ” speculations ”.

Reception in Judaism

In the rabbinical tradition " Shem ha-m e fôrash is spoken of as the full name of God, which has given rise to all kinds of speculations about its meaning and form". This includes speculation about names of God with 24, 48 and 72 letters or a total of the "seventy-two holy names of God, each of which is an angel". Among other things, the Kabbalist Josef ben Abraham Gikatilla did not derive the expression from the root PRSh “to expand”, “to carry out”, “to explain”, but from the identical root word “to separate”, accordingly Shem ha-m e fôrash stands for the “ Special names "; this name, according to Gikatilla in Ginnat Egoz , was not created like God:

“And since He had to be named by a name that indicates the effect / activity, it reads ( Gen 1,1): With the beginning 'LHJM / God and not: With the beginning YHW created“ H, to let you know that the name JHW “H did not arise for him at the beginning of the world, because this name was already special to him before. And he is separated ( m e fôrash ) from everything to testify to His H a wajah (His being) and beginninglessness, and it is applied to nothing but Him, for He - He be praised! - is the true nature of His Name, and His name testifies to His true nature.
So it is said then with the creation of the world: In the beginning 'Elohîm created , in order to let you know that the root (the essence) of the name ' Elohîm arose for him with the creation of the world [...]. "

- Josef Gikatilla : Ginnat Egoz

Most of the time, however, it is called ha-Shem ha-m e jûchad “the special name”, “because it applies solely and specifically to the God of Israel” and, as it is called in Sha` a rê 'orah , “specifically intended for Israel alone and the other nations have no part in it ”.

Reception outside of Judaism


Single-sheet print with Wittenberger Judensau, 1596
Judensau on the south-east wing of the city ​​church Wittenberg with the inscription Schem haMphoras

The anti-Judaistic motif of the Judensau is often associated with the abuse of the name Shemhamphorash, and Martin Luther gave a diatribe published in 1543 against the Jews the title Vom Schem Hamphoras und vom Christi .

Satanism and Metal

In Satanism and the Metal -Subkultur this designation of God also is used. The recording The Satanic Mass by Anton Szandor LaVey , released in 1968 on the LP of the same name, contains several passages in which LaVey pronounces the name and this is repeated by other participants in the mass, followed by the exclamation "Hail Satan!" According to the same scheme (the however, in contrast to Shemhamforash, in the last of this passage it is pronounced three times alternately). The ritual Rites of Spring , which is strongly based on this, is carried out in the same way as with the last of these passages in LaVey's mass. Messages from the Church of Satan , founded by LaVey, occasionally end with the words: “Shemhamforash! Hail Satan! " , In the French version with: " Shemhamforash! Salut à Satan! " . The article Encouraging Magical Concepts, however, only contain Shemhamforash without the exclamation "Hail Satan!" . The Finnish band Impaled Nazarene gave their first demo recording the title Shemhamforash (1991), Grand Belial's Key from the United States released a song of that name on the first demo recording Goat of a Thousand Young (1992) and the debut album Mocking the Philanthropist (1997); the Swiss band Amon called their only album (1995) Shemhamforash , the German band Aeba called their fourth album Shemhamforash - Des Hasses Antlitz (2004). The Polish black / death metal band Behemoth released a track called Shemhamforash on their album Evangelion (2009) , which lists many acts of violence by God and ends with "Shemhamforash" in the last verse.

Movie and TV

  • Catweazle used a modified form: the exclamation "Shampoo" was often at the end of his spells.
  • In the film Ready or Not - On your marks , get set, dead becomes the closing formula and the beginning of the satanic ritual “Schemhamforasch! Heil Satan! ”Quotes.


  1. ^ Johann Maier : The Kabbalah . Introduction - Classical Texts - Explanations. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39659-3 , p. 22 .
  2. ^ A b Carl Kiesewetter : Faust in history and tradition . With special consideration of occult phenomenalism and medieval magic. Georg Olms Verlagbuchhandlung, Hildesheim 1963, p. 340 (Reprographic reprint of the Leipzig edition 1893.).
  3. ^ Johann Maier: The Kabbalah . Introduction - Classical Texts - Explanations. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39659-3 , p. 19 .
  4. a b c d Johann Maier: The Kabbalah . Introduction - Classical Texts - Explanations. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39659-3 , p. 57 .
  5. ^ Johann Maier: The Kabbalah . Introduction - Classical Texts - Explanations. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39659-3 , p. 58 f .
  6. ^ Johann Maier: The Kabbalah . Introduction - Classical Texts - Explanations. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39659-3 , p. 169 .
  7. ^ Johann Maier: The Kabbalah . Introduction - Classical Texts - Explanations. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39659-3 , p. 147 .
  8. ^ Magister Michael Rose: Rites of Spring. by Magister Michael Rose. Church of Satan, 2001, accessed April 10, 2012 .
  9. News XXXVI AS Archived announcements from XXXVI AS Church of Satan, archived from the original on May 9, 2012 ; accessed on April 28, 2017 (English).
  10. News XXXIX AS Archived announcements from XXXIX AS Church of Satan, archived from the original on May 9, 2012 ; accessed on April 21, 2017 (English).
  11. News XLII AS Archived announcements from XLII AS Church of Satan, archived from the original on May 9, 2012 ; accessed on April 28, 2017 (English).
  12. News XLV AS Archived announcements from XLV AS Church of Satan, archived from the original on May 9, 2012 ; accessed on April 21, 2017 (English).
  13. ^ Bienvenue XXXV AS Church of Satan, archived from the original on May 9, 2012 ; Retrieved on April 21, 2017 (French).
  14. ^ Lydia Gage: Encouraging Magical Concepts. Church of Satan, 1995, accessed April 10, 2012 .