Hagelkreuzstraße 44 (Mönchengladbach)

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Residential building
Residential building

The residential building Hagelkreuzstrasse 44 is in Mönchengladbach ( North Rhine-Westphalia ).

The building was built in 1906. It was entered under No. H 086 on December 6, 1994 in the monuments list of the city of Mönchengladbach .


Hagelkreuzstraße is located in the northern urban expansion area between the New Water Tower and the Colorful Garden .


It is a two-storey house built in the form of an axially symmetrically structured double facade in a mixed construction of plaster and ceramic tiles . Architecturally accentuated by a tail gable on each half of the facade . In addition to a plinth and blasted eaves cornice, the horizontal structure takes on the differentiated facade surface of embossed imitation cuboids on the plinth and ground floor and the color-contrasting clinker cladding in the upper facade area.

On the right on the first floor there is the deeply cut entrance niche with a lintel crowned with a profile; In the basement of the same facade section on the left a simple basement entrance. In each half of the house, differentiated window arrangements and shapes. On the first floor of the right part of the facade, three vertical rectangular windows arranged in rhythmic axial distances; on the upper floor four similarly designed, but more richly framed openings combined in pairs in the central axis by an overlapping frame. Above that in the gable area two smaller windows, also coupled with plaster tape.

The ground floor and upper floor of the left half of the house each open two uniform, wider-dimensioned vertical rectangular windows with a larger center distance; that of the upper floor, analogous to the right facade, has a more elaborate framing with parapet decoration . The openings of the gable field correspond to those of the right gable except for a richer frame. A modified mansard roof with a slate covering completes the building. The flat stucco ornamentation is essentially limited to window and door frames and gable decoration and cites geometric and vegetal forms of Art Nouveau .

See also



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monuments list of the city of Mönchengladbach , November 16, 2018, accessed on July 29, 2019

Coordinates: 51 ° 12 ′ 4.5 "  N , 6 ° 25 ′ 48.4"  E