Hagen Kunze

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Hagen Kunze (* 1973 ) is a German publicist, music critic and dramaturge.


Kunze comes from a pastor's family and learned to play the piano at an early age. He attended the special school for music education in Zwickau and studied musicology, journalism and philosophy in Leipzig, Graz and Halle (Saale). He then worked as a freelance publicist and music critic as well as church musician - he wrote for daily newspapers and specialist magazines, such as the Neue Musikzeitung .

Kunze was editor and later editor-in-chief of the Döbelner Allgemeine Zeitung - Leipziger Volkszeitung . This was followed by an activity as personal adviser to the Saxon CDU MEP Lutz Goepel . From 2008 to 2012 he was the chief dramaturge of the Central Saxon Theater in Freiberg / Döbeln. He also worked as a teacher at the Döbeln high school. Since 2013 he has been teaching at the Evangelical High School in Lunzenau.

Hagen Kunze gained media fame when he appeared in the satire program Extra3 and a contribution was dedicated to him. This happened because he did not have a fine dust sticker on his electric car and was parked in Leipzig .

Kunze is a member of the CDU , married and has three children.


  • The little Bach booklet: a conversation with Johann Sebastian Bach, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2000.
  • Song of praise: Mendelssohn in Leipzig, Lehmanns Media, Berlin 2009.
  • Clara & Robert Schumann: Music and Love, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2009.
  • Musical city tour through Leipzig, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2012.
  • Kiss of the Muses: Richard Wagner and the women, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2013.
  • The Thomanerchor Leipzig between 1928 and 1950: Upheavals: Memories and Documents; CD supplement with the earliest sound recordings of the Thomanerchor since 1928, Edition Thomanerchor vol. 1, Querstand, Altenburg 2013 (edited with Steffen Lieberwirth ).
  • The Thomanerchor Leipzig in the earliest film documents. Between tradition and modernity; DVD with film documents of the Thomanerchor from 1941, 1942 and 2012, Edition Thomanerchor Vol. 2, Querstand, Altenburg 2013 (Ed. With Stefan Altner and Günter Atteln)
  • Das Thomaner-Büchlein, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2014.
  • Great Saxony, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2015.
  • The secrets of the Bach family, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2015.
  • Wunderkinder, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2016.
  • 200 Years of the Leipzig Opera Choir (publisher), Verlag Klaus-Jürgen Kamprad, Altenburg 2017
  • Large Thuringian, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2017
  • Spies: Mata Hari and other women on a secret mission, Buchverlag für die Frau, Leipzig 2017
  • Gin, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2018
  • Leonardo da Vinci, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2019
  • Beethoven and love, mini library, book publisher for women, Leipzig 2019

Web links


  1. Andreas Friedrich: External experts help out at Saxony's schools: Without them, some subjects would be canceled, in: Leipziger Volkszeitung of June 13, 2012, p. 4.
  2. Chemnitzer Verlag und Druck GmbH & Co. KG: All-rounder loves music and books. Retrieved February 14, 2017 .
  3. Hagen Rösner: Der Kulturpendler, in: Leipziger Volkszeitung from September 20, 2008, p. 16.