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An original letter written in Haketia, 1832.

Haketia ( Hebrew חקיטייה, Arabic حاكيتيا, DMG Ḥākītiyā ; also written as Hakitia or Haquitía ) is an endangered Jewish - Moroccan Romance language also known as Djudeo Spañol or Ladino Oksidental (western Ladino ). It was widespread in the cities of northern Morocco such as Tétouan , Alcazarquivir , Larache , Xauen , Tangier and in the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla . In Ceuta and Mellila it had the status of an official language before it was superseded by modern Spanish in 1860 . Haketia is heavily influenced by Moroccan Arabic , French and Tarifit . There are also some Hebrew expressions in the Haketia, and it was originally written with Hebrew letters .

In Oran , Algeria , the language is known as Tetuani ("from Tétouan").

Individual evidence

  1. Haketia. El Djudeo-Espanyol de Africa del Norte . Ya'akov Bentolila. Los Muestros N ° 61, December 2005.

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