Half plum

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Half plum
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Spiraeoideae
Tribe : Stone fruit family (Amygdaleae)
Genre : Prunus
Type : Plum ( Prunus domestica )
Subspecies : Half plum
Scientific name
Prunus domestica subsp. intermedia

The half plum ( Prunus domestica subsp. Intermedia ) or Marunke is a subspecies of the plum ( Prunus domestica ). She is close to the plum . In central and southern Europe, the subspecies is grown as a fruit.


In contrast to the plum, the annual twigs usually still have more or less hair. The flowers are white. The stone fruit is elongated to ovoid, but can often also be bottle or pear-shaped. It is 4 to 8 inches long and colored blue, purple, red or yellow. It is either rounded at both ends or only tapered at the stem end. Usually the pulp is soft and juicy. The stone core is similar to that of a plum. It is elongated, egg-shaped, wrinkled to smooth, and it is more difficult to separate from the pulp than plums.


Four groups of varieties are distinguished for Central Europe:

  • Kuchelzwetsche ( Prunus domestica subsp. Intermedia var. Mamillaris Werneck): The flesh is sweet, the sweetness is not lost even when cooking (Kucheln). The stone core is 54 to 61% as thick as it is long, wrinkled and pockmarked. It is probably the root form of all half plums. There are different varieties (selection): 'Anna Späth', 'Biondecks Frühzwetsche', 'Königin Victoria' (the main variety in the Netherlands, large-fruited), 'Monfort', 'Wangenheims Frühzwetsche' (an undemanding variety that also thrives at high altitudes ), 'Wiener Frühzwetsche'.
  • Date- or red-Prune ( Prunus domestica subsp. Intermedia var. Culinaria (Schübler et Martens) Werneck): The fruit is bottle- or pear-shaped and large. The stone core is ribbed or smooth like a net. Varieties are for example 'Rote Dattelzwetsche' and 'Violette Dattelzwetsche'.
  • Egg plum ( Prunus domestica subsp. Intermedia var. Ovoidea Martens): The fruit is yellow or red to purple in color, round-egg-shaped and tapers towards the stem. Varieties are for example 'Blue Egg Plum', 'Coes Rotfleckte', 'Diamond Plum', 'Yellow Egg Plum', 'Gigant', 'Gr. Britzer Egg Plum ',' Schöne von Löwen 'and' Violette Jerusalem Plum '.
  • Oval or pointed plum or Real Damascene ( Prunus domestica subsp. Intermedia var. Oxycarpa Bechst.): The fruit is narrowing at both ends. Varieties are for example 'Brněnska švestka', 'Emma Leppermann', 'Frühhe Altländer Katharinenpflaume', 'Jefferson', 'Königsplaume aus Tour' (a good table fruit), 'Ruth Gerstetter' (a small-crowned variety), 'Späth Earliest', ' Tragédie ',' Uhlhorns canned plum 'and' Czar '(also called' Zar plum ').

Individual evidence

  1. Dudenredaktion (Ed.): The great DUDEN, Volume 1 spelling, 16th, expanded edition . Bibliographisches Institut AG, Mannheim 1967. Also listed in the following editions.
  2. a b c Hildemar Scholz, Ilse Scholz: Subfamily Prunoideae . In: Hans J. Conert u. a. (Ed.): Gustav Hegi, Illustrated Flora of Central Europe. Volume 4 Part 2B: Spermatophyta: Angiospermae: Dicotyledones 2 (3). Rosaceae 2 . Blackwell 1995, ISBN 3-8263-2533-8 .