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FCI Standard No. 267
1.2 Medium-sized hounds
Origin :


Alternative names:

Haldenbracke, Haldenlaufhund, Halden-Stövare

Withers height:

Males: 52–60 cm, ideally 56 cm.
Bitches: 50–58 cm, ideally 54 cm


not specified

List of domestic dogs

The Haldenstøver is one of the FCI ( No. 267, Gr. 6, Sec. 1.2 ) recognized Norwegian dog breed .

Origin and history

It was first mentioned around 1895 by Beckmann, who called the Halden the only Norwegian hound, other names were Norsk Stöfvae, Hare or Rävehund. How the further development to the Halden took place can no longer be found out; English Foxhound were probably crossed with it. What is certain is that pure breeding began in Halden in southern Norway . Only recognized around 1950, the breed was on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the laborious breeding work of a few enthusiasts, he can now be seen more often again.


The colors of the dogs are white with black markings, tan shades with a coat that is rough , very dense and straight, with a dense undercoat. Medium-sized lop ears complete the picture.


The Haldenstøver is used as a hunting and companion dog .

Web links

Commons : Haldenstøver  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Räber : Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds , Volume 2, page 386ff (Der Haldenstøver), Franckh-Kosmos Verlag ISBN 3-440-06555-3