Collar reads

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Collar reads
Collar reads

Collar reads

Order : Rockers (Coraciiformes)
Family : Kingfishers (Alcedinidae)
Subfamily : Lieste (Halcyonidae)
Genre : Todiramphus
Type : Collar reads
Scientific name
Todiramphus chloris
( Boddaert , 1783)
Collar read, Singapore

The collared kingfisher ( Todiramphus chloris ) is a Eisvogelart with about 50 subspecies.


Due to the large distribution area and the many subspecies, there are numerous color variations. Most of the time, however, the collar reads have a green-blue top and hood, a white face and a white bottom, and a black eye stripe. All subspecies have a wide white neck ring and a beak that is black on top and cream on the underside. The 23 to 25 cm long bird can live to be over ten years. The call is a loud repeated “Ke-kik”.


The huge distribution area of ​​over 16,000 km² extends from the Red Sea via Southeast Asia to Northern Australia. The bird lives in mangrove forests , tropical rainforests and in cultivated areas such as rice fields, coconut plantations and palm forests, usually no more than five kilometers from the sea. However, it can sometimes be found inland and in mountainous regions.


The collar read feeds on fish, crabs, small amphibians and reptiles. Collar leashes live in pairs in fixed territories of up to 4 hectares, which they defend against conspecifics especially during the breeding season.


During the courtship season, the male performs spectacular sightseeing flights and gives the female food gifts. Both parent birds dig a nest hole in a sandbar, a tree or a termite nest. The clutch of two to four eggs is incubated by both parent birds for 20 days. The young birds fledge after three weeks. They reach sexual maturity at the age of two.


Web links

Commons : Halsbandreads  - album with pictures, videos and audio files