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HanDeDict ( Chinese  漢 德 詞典  /  汉 德 词典  - "Chinese-German dictionary", short 漢 德  /  汉 德  - "Chinese-German") is a free Chinese - German online dictionary , the dictionary files of which are under a Creative Commons License are licensed. HanDeDict has been available on the Internet since February 17, 2006 and was supported by the Chinese-German Society eV Hamburg . In August 2015 the original site was closed. Surprisingly, the website has been back online since July 2017. The website is fully functional for the exclusive use as a dictionary with the last entered data records. However, various features of the original page, such as the "user login function", the "entry and editing function" of the data records as well as the "word of the day" and "words of the week" functions of the website were not reactivated and remain useless.

As an alternative, since November 2015 HanDeDict can be searched and edited on the HanDeDict @ Zydeo website by Gábor L. Ugray. HanDeDict is still provided on this website under the same Creative Commons license and is further developed by the community. The text file, which is updated nightly, is available as a direct download and as a Github repository.

The name "HanDeDict" is a word game based on the Chinese-English translation of the Chinese-German dictionary . "Hands" is an abbreviation of " Hàn yǔ" - 漢語德語  /  汉语德语  - "Chinese language German language" - and " Dict " the abbreviation of "Dictionary", English for "dictionary".

At the annual conference of the Fachverband Chines eV 2006 in Berlin , HanDeDict was awarded the Friedhelm Denninghaus Prize for promoting Chinese teaching in German-speaking countries as one of two winners. "


On the original website there were functions that were open to all users and others that could only be used after registration and login:

For everyone: single word search, looking up the whole text, words of the week - in cooperation with the German vocabulary project at the University of Leipzig , vocabulary cards and writing exercises for the individual levels of the HSK Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Chinese test , vocabulary cards and writing exercises for the textbook "Practical Chinese".
For registered users: a personal vocabulary list with which you could make your own flashcards and writing exercises, convenient evaluation of entire texts with vocabulary lists and flashcards.

The HanDeDict @ Zydeo website offers a different set of features. Sounds are visualized with configurable colors; a line sequence animation can be displayed for most characters; Handwriting recognition is available to search for individual characters . All changes are transparently stored in the change history with user name and comment. New dictionary entries to expand the database can be made there.

Use of data

The data from HanDeDict is still used in some dictionary programs: in Pleco, KTdict CD, WaKan, philoQuick, LingoPad , StarDict , zbedic and ChinesePractice.

The data from HanDeDict are also used in the Chinese writing program sinoScriptor.

On the HanDeDict @ Zydeo website, HanDeDict can be searched online, further processed and, if necessary, expanded with new vocabulary.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. License Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0. In: handedict.zydeo.net. Retrieved July 15, 2017 (German, English).
  2. ^ Friedhelm Denninghaus Prize 2006. In: www.fachverband-chinesisch.de. Retrieved July 15, 2017 .
  3. Friedhelm Denninghaus Prize - Laudation 2008. ( PDF file; 16.2 kB) In: www.fachverband-chinesisch.de. Retrieved July 15, 2017 .