Chamber of Crafts in Reutlingen

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100 years of Chambers of Crafts in Germany: Postage stamp from 2000

The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts was founded - like 70 other chambers of crafts - in 1900; the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts itself was founded in November 1900. The basis was the “law regarding the amendment of the trade regulations. From July 26, 1897 ”. The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts is one of now 53 chambers of crafts in Germany and has over 13,000 member companies with around 80,000 employees in the five districts of Freudenstadt , Reutlingen , Sigmaringen , Tübingen and Zollernalb . It is based in Reutlingen and takes on, among other things, sovereign tasks for the state.


Opinion of the General Craftsmen Conference in Berlin on September 8-10, 1896 on the draft of a law regarding the amendment of the trade regulations
The law amending the trade regulations from 1897
Rental contract for rooms for the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts from 1901

The Chamber of Reutlingen is a corporation under public law. Its organs are the general assembly, the board of directors and the top management. The members of the Chamber of Crafts - the companies in the chamber district - send their representatives to the Parliament of the Crafts in the region: the plenary assembly, which consists of 39 people. 26 assembly members represent the self-employed and 13 the employees. The third parity of the plenary assembly of chambers of crafts is set out in § 93 of the Crafts Code and thus marks a difference to the structure of the chambers of industry and commerce . The general assembly of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts elects the board of directors from among its members, which consists of the president, two vice-presidents (one from the employee side) and six other members.

The management, which consists of full-time employees of the Chamber of Crafts, is also elected by the general assembly. The board is responsible for the administration of the Chamber of Crafts. The Chamber of Crafts is represented externally by the President and the General Manager.

The incumbent president of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts is Harald Herrmann, who was elected president by the general assembly on November 25, 2014. Joachim Eisert is the general manager of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts; he was elected on November 29, 2006 and took office in April 2007.

The chamber district of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts includes the five districts of Freudenstadt , Reutlingen , Sigmaringen , Tübingen and Zollernalb , in which over 13,000 craft businesses with around 80,000 employees are located. It is based in Reutlingen .

The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts is a member of the Baden-Württemberg Crafts Day (BWHT) as the umbrella organization of the Baden-Württemberg crafts (members are the chambers of crafts, the state organizations (state guild associations / state guilds) of the craft in Baden-Württemberg and associations of other economic, social and cultural institutions, which mainly serve the craft) and in the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH). It also belongs to, an association of all chambers of crafts in Germany.


The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts performs a variety of tasks for its members, which can be summarized under the keywords advocacy, advice and administration. These tasks are stipulated by law in the craft regulations. The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts is the self-governing organization of the regional craft industry, and it takes on sovereign tasks of the state. This includes keeping the handicrafts register and the list of handicraft-like trades (Annex A, B1 and B2 of the Handicrafts Code).

The Reutlingen Chamber of Skilled Crafts sees itself as a modern service center for the skilled trades, which looks after the interests of the affiliated companies and those employed in the trades, bundles them and represents them externally. In this way, it ensures that the concerns of all craftsmen are represented jointly and in solidarity in politics and the public. At a time when the everyday appearance of this branch of industry is changing and the profile of requirements for employees in theory and practice is changing ever more rapidly, one of their essential tasks is to recognize these developments quickly, to develop suitable assistance and in the interests of the skilled trades to react.

Advice offer

One of the central tasks of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts is to offer comprehensive advice. This advice is free for member companies, as is a large number of current information events.

The focus is on training advice, business advice, legal advice and advice on questions of technology, innovation and the environment.

The Chamber endeavors to continuously expand its range. In July 2007, for example, she opened a starter center in which entrepreneurs not only receive advice, but can also complete all the formalities necessary for founding a company in one step.

Initial and continuing education

The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts is the point of contact for both trainees and trainees. In an extensive and constantly updated internship and apprenticeship exchange on the Internet, it offers quick access to vacancies and advises on all questions relating to training and further education.

Your educational academy with the three centers in Reutlingen, Sigmaringen and Tübingen take on important tasks in the professional qualification both in the field of training and further education. At the Bildungsakademie Tübingen, apprentices in the trade attend the so-called inter-company training (ÜBA), in which practical teaching content is deepened and trained in courses lasting several weeks.

The second focus of the educational academies is professional development. Every year, a good 10,000 participants are qualified in master courses and advanced training. The courses range from A for “General terms and conditions for craft businesses” to Z for “Back to the hairdressing profession” and thus make an important contribution to securing the future of the craft.


  • 1900–1907: Friedrich Fischle
  • 1907–1922: Karl Vollmer
  • 1922–1933: Otto Henne
  • 1933–1939: Philipp Baetzner
  • 1939–1943: Eugen Vogt
  • 1943–1945: Gau Chamber of Commerce
  • 1945–1974: Alfred Geisel
  • 1974–1984: Ernst August Karrer
  • 1984–1999: Günter Hecht
  • 1999–2014: Joachim Möhrle
  • since 2014: Harald Herrmann
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
  • 1901–1905: Managing Director Rudolf Dietrich
  • 1906–1911: Managing Director Hans Freytag
  • 1911–1922: Managing Director Karl Hermann
  • 1922–1956: Syndic Hermann Eberhardt
  • 1956–1987: Chief Executive Herbert Beyer
  • 1987–2007: Chief Executive Officer Roland Haaß
  • since April 2007: General Manager Joachim Eisert


A chronicle of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts can be found here as a pdf (3.5 MB).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts, page 15 (PDF; 3.6 MB)
  2. Law regarding the amendment of the trade regulations of July 26, 1897
  3. § 93 of the Crafts Code
  4. Internship and apprenticeship exchange