Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia

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Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia
HWK MF 4C M.jpg
Organizational form Professional corporation under public law
founding year 1900
Seat Nuremberg, Sulzbacher Strasse 11–15
president Thomas Pirner
Chief Executive Elmar Forster
Associated around 22,000 member companies
General Assembly 45 members
Bureau 1 president + 2 vice-presidents
Key figures
Number of managers 2
Number of employees 198 (June 2018)
Administration building of the Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia

The Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia is a corporation under public law . The legal basis is the law on the order of the craft . The Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia has around 22,000 member companies with around 125,000 employees. In 2017 they generated total sales of 11.7 billion euros. In 2017, 8,255 trainees were trained in the trades in 3,341 companies. The headquarters are in Nuremberg .


The central tasks of the Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia are

  • Self-management
  • Advocacy
  • Services
  • It also performs sovereign tasks on behalf of the state. Among other things, she is responsible for the handicraft role , the apprentice role and regulates the examination system. One of the tasks of the Chamber of Crafts is a joint and solidary representation of the concerns of all craftsmen in politics and the public.
  • The Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia offers its member companies services. This includes advice on the subjects of law , business management, business start-ups , training and further education. The Chamber of Crafts supports young people and their parents particularly actively in choosing a career and looking for an apprenticeship.


The general assembly (elected craftsmen's parliament for five years). 45 members, one third journeymen or other employees who have completed their vocational training and who are employed in a company in a trade in Annexes A or B.


  • is elected from the general assembly
  • from the chairman (president), who must be the owner or representative of a business of a craft or craft-like trade (employer representative),
  • two deputies (vice presidents), one of whom must be a journeyman or another employee who has completed vocational training (employee representative), and
  • nine other members, namely six self-employed traders and three employee representatives.

Managing directors

Education Center (BZ) 2, Sieboldstrasse 7, Nuremberg

The chamber is led by a general manager and two managing directors. Their tasks are the proper and proper implementation of the tasks of the Chamber of Crafts and the proper administration of the Chamber within the framework of the business distribution plan.

The election requires the approval of the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology . President Thomas Pirner and General Manager Elmar Forster represent the Chamber of Crafts externally. At the same time, the general manager is the supreme superior of all chamber employees and represents the chamber of crafts alone in ongoing matters.


On August 6, 1897, as part of the amendment to the Reichsgewerbeordnung, the first German “Handwerksordnung” came into force. The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior issued the statute for the establishment of the Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia on December 11, 1899. On April 1, 1900, a total of 71 chambers were created in the German Reich . The first chamber meeting and the election of the chamber board took place on May 21, 1900, followed by the opening of the first office at Maxfeldstrasse 37 in Nuremberg. The current administration building of the Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia is located on Sulzbacher Strasse in Nuremberg.

Education Center (BZ) 1, Lenbachstrasse 8, Nuremberg

The Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia has had a partnership with the Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat des Yvelines in Versailles since 1976 . In addition to mutual visits by the Kammerspitze and the board of directors, there is an annual exchange program for German and French apprentices.

Educational centers

Ansbach Education Center, Beckenweiherallee 13, Ansbach

The Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia is one of the largest educational institutions in the Middle Franconia district. In the three training centers] in Nuremberg (BZ 1 and BZ 2) and Ansbach , career orientation courses for schoolchildren, inter-company training, master classes and other courses and seminars are held. All training centers have workshops, IT and classrooms.


The Handwerkskammer Service GmbH is a subsidiary of the Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia, which has the task of promoting the craft in the field of vocational training and management consulting. The focus of activity is on services for modern corporate management such as the development, planning, organization and implementation of services for vocational training as well as the development and implementation of individual concepts for setting up, introducing, maintaining and continuously improving integrated management systems for companies, craft organizations and associations including the development and administration of Internet portals, marketing and further training measures.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Data, facts, figures. Retrieved October 31, 2018 .
  2. For trainees. Retrieved October 31, 2018 .
  3. What is the Chamber of Crafts? Retrieved October 31, 2018 .
  4. a b c Statutes of the Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia.
  5. Thomas Pirner. Retrieved October 31, 2018 .
  6. Federal Cross of Merit for Prof. Dr. Elmar Forster. Retrieved October 31, 2018 .
  7. Martina Bauernfeind: 100 Years of the Middle Franconian Chamber of Crafts, Ed. Chamber of Crafts for Middle Franconia, Nuremberg 2000.
  8. Our training centers. October 31, 2018, accessed October 31, 2018 .
  9. Handwerkskammer Service GmbH Nuremberg. Retrieved October 31, 2018 .