Hannoversche Kunstblätter

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The Hannoversche Kunstblätter were a periodical published in 1835 and 1836 on exhibits from the Hannoversche Kunstverein (HKV).


The Hannoversche Kunstblätter appeared in February / March 1835 and 1836 during the third and fourth exhibition of the HKV. The total of 96 or 100 pages appeared in 12 deliveries of 4 or 6 pages each. The editors were Johann Hermann Detmold and Georg Osterwald , printing and sales were handled by the Jänecke brothers' print shop and, for 1836, the Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung .

The art sheets were designed as guides through the exhibitions shown. The descriptions of the exhibits and the presentation of contemporary trends were written by different, not named authors; most of the articles are “probably from Detmold”, from which the drawings and engravings of individual paintings mostly come .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hugo Thielen: Hannoversche Kunstblätter (see literature)