City Lexicon Hanover

The City Lexicon Hanover. From the beginnings to the present is the first encyclopedia on the history of the city of Hanover to the present. It was published in 2009 by Schlüterschen Verlagsgesellschaft in Hanover.
The editors are the long-time former museum directors Klaus Mlynek ( Hannover City Archives ) and Waldemar R. Röhrbein ( Historical Museum am Hohen Ufer ) together with Dirk Böttcher and Hugo Thielen . The editor was Peter Schulze .
The reference work lists around 2,500 individual headwords on 703 pages plus non-counted reference terms and some illustrations. Natural spatial requirements and topographical conditions are treated as well as politics, administration, economy, society, religion, construction, traffic, law, culture, education and science.
Biographical information on individual persons and entire families was mainly taken from the Hanoverian Biographical Lexicon (HBL) and supplemented by individual personalities who were born or deceased in Hanover. Immigrants who have achieved important things in or outside the city are also included in the lexicon. Connections with the history of Lower Saxony were also taken into account.
The lexicon is illustrated with pictures from the Historical Museum .
In the appendix to the lexicon you will find information on usage, a list of alphanumeric abbreviations, a list of literature cited in abbreviated form, and a list of editors and authors with a short biography. The authors of the Stadtlexikon Hannover are among others Eva Benz-Rababah , Dirk Böttcher , Hans Otte , Ines Katenhusen and Gerd van den Heuvel .
- Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (ed.): Stadtlexikon Hannover. From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Hanover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 .
- Discussion: Rolf Kohlstedt in Lower Saxony Yearbook for Regional History Volume 82, 2010, p. 153 f. ( Digitized version ).
See also
Web links
- Extensive excerpts from the City Lexicon Hanover as digital copies
- Excerpts from the "Stadtlexikon Hannover", in: Schaumburger Nachrichten
- Simon Benne: “Stadtlexikon Hannover”: Everything in a nutshell. In: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung , September 29, 2009, last accessed on December 20, 2012.