Hanover Chronicle

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The Hanover Chronicle with the subtitle From the beginning to the present; Numbers. Data. Facts is a chronicle on the history of the city of Hanover published by Schlüterschen Verlagsgesellschaft in 1991 . The editors and authors were Klaus Mlynek and Waldemar R. Röhrbein .

The book lists several thousand pieces of data in chronological order - broken down by year - on politics, economy, art and culture. A subject, place and person index in the appendix makes the content accessible.


The main source was extensive secondary literature . If different dates were found, in some cases missing primary evidence or in some cases too much research effort , "a decision was made in favor of the most probable date or the obviously most reliable authors".

Since the old town of Hanover and the Calenberger Neustadt formed legally separate municipalities until 1824, references to local names were given until then - even in the case of suburbs that were incorporated later - unless the old town itself was concerned. The book does not contain any references.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Introduction . In: Hannover Chronik… , p. 7 f.