Hans Frey (pianist)

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Hans Frey (born January 15, 1913 in Lachen SZ ; † December 10, 1973 in Wädenswil ) was a Swiss piano player .


Hans Frey grew up as the son of a self-employed watchmaker in Lachen. One of his father's customers left a piano with him as a deposit, and little Hans made his first attempts at walking on this instrument. The customer , who lives in Siebnen, was later able to take back the piano and allowed the boy to continue using it. An uncle of Hans Frey owned the Bären restaurant in Lachen. Knowing that there was a piano there, he occasionally climbed through the window to improve his musical skills. The landlord got behind it and allowed him to come in through the door.

Hans Frey did not know any notes and developed his own, unmistakable style. The trained piano tuner was the first to use the piano - until now only an accompanying instrument in Ländlermusik - as a melody instrument. Even as a primary school pupil, he was hired to make public appearances. From 1938 he began to make records . He also made numerous radio and television appearances. 43 of his own compositions are contained on sound carriers. His most important own composition is a Polka-Rhinelander entitled "Mit em Rex in Ticino". "Rex" is the name he gave to his motorbike, which he loved to ride with. He lived with his family in Wädenswil.

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