Hans Frischknecht

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Hans Frischknecht (born December 31, 1922 ; † August 9, 2003 in Herisau ) was a Swiss athlete and gun runner .

The Corporal Hans Frischknecht completed in his career total of 152 gun barrels, where he scored twelve days wins and 17 class victories. Frischknecht achieved seven of the twelve daily victories at the legendary Frauenfeld weapon run ( marathon distance ).

As a track and field athlete, Frischknecht was five times Swiss champion in the marathon and three times in the 10,000 meter run . In 1951, Hans Frischknecht set a Swiss record in the 10,000 meter run with 31: 17.2 minutes. In the course of over an hour and over 20 kilometers, he set three records each from 1948 to 1955, the last with 18,809 meters or 1: 03: 47.8 hours. In 1948 he took part in the marathon at the Summer Olympics. In 1955, Hans Frischknecht was voted Swiss Sportsman of the Year .

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Individual evidence

  1. Deceased personalities in e-periodica.ch