Hans Frohwein

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Hans Frohwein (1936)

Hans Frohwein (born April 8, 1887 in Mainz , † August 5, 1956 in Wiesbaden ) was a German diplomat.


Hans Frohwein studied law at the universities of Heidelberg, Berlin and Marburg. In Heidelberg he became a member of the Corps Suevia Heidelberg . After the assessor exam and the doctorate to Dr. jur. he initially did military service in the First World War. He then worked for a short time in the Prussian Ministry of Justice and as a judge at the Frankfurt am Main regional court before he was accepted into the diplomatic service in 1921. After his first job in the German embassy in Rome, he was promoted to Legation Council 1st class in 1923. From 1924 to 1926 Frohwein was seconded to the German Consulate General in New York. He then worked in the Foreign Office in Berlin and became Secretary General of the German delegation at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva in 1932/1933. From 1936 to 1940 he represented the German Reich in Estonia as envoy . On March 1, 1937, he joined the NSDAP . In 1941 he became a member of the German armistice delegation for business in Paris. Frohwein worked in the Foreign Office until 1945 and then worked as a business lawyer in Wiesbaden from 1946 .


See also