Hans Höppner (biologist)

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Hans Höppner
Handwriting sample from Hans Höppner.
Grave of Hans and Meta Höppner in the main cemetery in Krefeld, old part, area J adjacent to area Y.

Hans Höppner (born February 8, 1873 in Bremen , † April 24, 1946 in Krefeld ) was a German biologist , botanist and entomologist . He is also known as the botanist of the Lower Rhine. Its official botanical author's abbreviation is " Höppner ".


Höppner grew up in Bremen . He chose the profession of teacher. After completing his studies, he spent short stops in Hammah , Freißenbüttel and Hünxe until he got a job in Krefeld as a thirty-year-old teacher . Höppner's father was a harbor master.

Höppner was married to Meta Höppner geb. Hilk (born January 30, 1876, † June 13, 1964). The marriage resulted in five daughters.

In addition to his job as a secondary school teacher in Krefeld and his work as a botanist and entomologist, Höppner looked after the herbarium in the Natural Science Museum of the city of Krefeld and worked here in the entomological collections.

His research in the field of entomology is considered to be his greatest scientific achievements, especially the way of life of Stechimmen species and the botanical recording of the Lower Rhine. From his research results he developed a total of 89 publications. A large herbarium is in Krefeld and many hundreds of prepared insects are kept in numerous entomological collections. Höppner's collection documents are still of great importance today, as they document the former diversity of flora and fauna in areas that are often no longer present in them today.


  • Honorary member of the Natural History Association of the Rhineland and Westphalia, awarded on January 12, 1943
  • Honorary member of the Natural Science Association in Krefeld, awarded on February 8, 1943


  • HÖPPNER, H. (1897a): About two unknown or less known bumblebee nests. - Ent. News, 23 (21): 313-316; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1897b): About the color varieties of the Bombus soroens occurring near Freißenbüttel is F ..- Ent. News, 23 (22): 329-331; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1898a): Northwest German parasite bees.- Yearbook d. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1898b): Z ur bumblebee fauna of the administrative district of Stade. - Sheets for the elementary school, 1898: 282-287; Verden.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1898c): Stelis minima SCHENK.- Ent. News, 24 (20): 306-309; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1899a): On the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera. I The recruiting of the males in Hymenoptera. II Megachile to alis NYLANDER. - Illustr. Z. Ent., 4 (24): 374-378, 3 figs .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1899b): Northwest German parasitic bees.- Nachr. Jahrbuch d. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser, 1898: 18-56; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1899c): Epeolus similis nov. sp.- Ent. News, 25 (23): 355-356; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1900a): Northwest German parasite bees. Addendum. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser, 1899: 59-66; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1900b): Contributions to the bee fauna of the Lüneburg Heath. - Yearbook d. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser, 1900: 9-22; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1901a): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera I. - Eucera difficilis (DUF.) PER ..- General. Magazine for Entomology, 6 (3): 33-35; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1901b): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera II.- About the occurrence of several types of bombs in a nest. General Magazine for Entomology, 6 (9): 132-134, 1 fig .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1901c): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera III.- Prosopis Kriechbaumeri FÖRST. - General Magazine for Entomology, 6 (12): 291-293; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1901d): On the biology of the genus Prosopis.- Yearbook d. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser, 1900: 56-58; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1901e): The bee fauna of the dunes and Weser slopes between Uesen and Baden.- Abhdl. d. Natural Ver. Bremen, 15 (2): 231-255; Bremen.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1902a): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera IV. Is the lid of the Prosopis cell made by the larvae or the mothers? - General. Zeitschrift für Entomol., VII (7/8): 134-136, 1 fig.; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1902b): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera. V. Odynerus (Micro dyneru s) exilis HS- Allg. Magazine for Entomol., VII (9): 180-183, 2 fig .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1902c): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera. VI. About some nests of the Bombus soroeensis F. var. Proteus GERST.- Allg. Magazine for Entom ol., VII (16): 298-301, 1 fig .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1903a): Further articles on the bee fauna of the Lüneburg Heath and reports on the occurrence of some golden and wrinkled wasps there. - Yearbook d. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser, 1903: 17-27; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1903b): Contributions to biology north-west. Hym enoptera. a) Osmia parvula DUF. et PERR. and their parasite Stelis ornatula NYL. b) About Ammophila subulosa F., a sand wasp yearbook d. Ver. for natural history on the Lower Weser, 1903: 36-38; Bremerhaven.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1903c): Further contributions to the biology of Northwest German Hymenoptera. VII. Caenocryptus bimaculatus GRV.- Allg. Magazine for Entomol., VIII (10/11): 194-202; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1904): On the biology of the Rubus residents. I. Gasteruption assectator F., a new parasite of the Rubus-inhabiting Prospis species. - General Magazine for Entomol., 9 (5/6): 97-103.- II. Osmia parvula DUF. et PERR., Osmia leucomelaena K. and her parasite Stelis ornutula NYL., 9 (7/8): 129-134.- III. Eurytoma rubicola GIR. and their hosts, 9 (9/10): 161-171; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1907a): Flora des Niederrheins.- 1st edition, 343 p .; Krefeld (Halfmann).
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1907b): Botanical sketches from the Lower Rhine.- Reports on the verses of the Bot. Zool. Association for Rhineland-Westphalia, 1907: E51-58; Bonn
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1908a): On the biology of the Rubus residents. II. The competition for nesting places 1. - Z. wiss. Ins Biol., 4 (5): 176-180, 6 figs .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1908b): On the biology of the Rubus residents. II. The competition for nesting places 2. - Z. wiss. InsBiol. , 4 (10): 368-375, 6 fig .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1909a): Flora des Niederrheins.- 2nd edition, 308 pp.; Krefeld (Halfmann).
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1909b): Contributions to the biology of the Lower Rhine Rubus inhabitants. 1. Odynerus (Ancistrocerus) trifasciatus F., 2. Crabro (Solenius) vagus F., 3. Prosopis Rinki GORSKY.- Verh. Naturhist. Ver. prussia. Rheinl.- Westf., 66: 265-275, 1 plate (7 illustrations); Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1909c): Fifth meeting in Krefeld on June 5 and 6, 1909. Report on the meetings and excursions of the Botanical and Zoological Association (Botany) .- Ber. ü. d. Vers. Des Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. for Rhineland-Westphalia, 1909: E1-8; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1910a): On the biology of the Rubus residents. II. The competition for nesting sites 3-7. - Z. wiss. InsBiol., 6 (3): 93-97, (4): 133-136, (5): 161-167, (6/7): 219-224, 12 figs .; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1910b): Contributions to the adventitious and ruderal flora of Krefeld.- Communications of the Association for Natural History, 1910: 53-59; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1910c): On the flora of the Rhine valley near Düsseldorf.- Reports on the verses of the botanical and of the Zoological Ver. for Rhineland-Westphalia, 1910: E10-22; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1911a): Report on the eleventh meeting of the Botan. ud Zool. Association to M. Gladbach. (Botany) .- Ber. of the bot. ud zool. Ver. for Rhineland-Westphalia, 1911: E1-6; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1911b): Report on the thirteenth meeting of the Botan. ud Zool. Association for Rheinl. u. Westf. Zu Iserlohn (botany). - Reports on the verses of the bot. Zool. Association for Rheinl.- Westf., 1911: E131-134; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1911c): Da s Koningsveen, a natural monument. - The Lower Rhine, 3: 45-46, 4: 124-126; Kempen.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1912a): Report on the fourteenth meeting of the Bot. U. Zool. Association to Düren (botany) .- Ber. about the verse of the bot. ud zool. Ver. f. Rheinl.- Westf., 1912: E1-2; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1912b): Contribution to the biology of the Lower Rhine Rubus inhabitants. 4. Mixed construction of Crabro larvatus W. and Odynerus (Ancistrocerus) trifasciatus F. - Ber. about the vers. of the bot. ud z ool. Ver. for Rheinl.- Westf., 1912: E20-24, 2 illustrations; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1912c): Die Utricularien der Rheinprovinz.- Ber. about the vers. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1912: E92-150; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913a): A remarkable Atlantic plant community near Grefrath on the Lower Rhine. - The Lower Rhine, 1913 (1): 10-14; Dusseldorf.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913b): Is Sphecodes a parasite bee? - Abhdlg. d. Ver. f. natural science. Exploration of the Lower Rhine, 1: 171-179; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913c): Flora des Niederrheins.- 3rd edition, 333 pages; Krefeld (Halfmann).
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913d): Our honeybee's open-air building.- Announcements of the Natural Science Museum of the City of Krefeld, 1913: 22-26; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913e): Botanical sketches of the heather and moor area between Dorsten and Wesel. - 41st Jb. D. Westf. Prov.- Ver. f. Knowledge u. Art, 41: 172-182; Muenster.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913f): Report on the sixteenth meeting of the Bot. Ud Zool. Association for Rheinl.- Westf. In Altenberg (Rhld.). - Ber. about the verse of the bot. ud zool. Ver. f. Rheinl.- Westf., 1912: E61-63; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913g): Report on the seventeenth assembly d. Bot. Ud Zool. Association to Essen ad Ruhr.- Ber. about the vers. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1913: D1-3; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913h): Report on the eighteenth meeting of the Botan. ud Zool. Association to Düsseldorf (botany) .- Ber. about the vers. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1913: D44-46; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1913i): Report on the nineteenth meeting of the Botan. ud Zool. Association in Altena i. W. (Botany) .- Ber. about the vers. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1913: D93-95; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1914): Report on the twentieth meeting of the Botan. u. d. Zool. Association to Brühl.- Ber. about the vers. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1914: D1-3; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1915): The Utricularia of Westphalia - 43rd annual. d. Westf. Prov. Ver. f. Science and Art, 43: 54-75; Muenster.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1916a): The war melorizations of the moors and their influence on the original nature. (Report on the moors on the left Lower Rhine) .- Contributions to the preservation of natural monuments, 5 (2): 183-187; Berlin.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1916b): Report on the twenty-second assembly d. Bot. Ver. to Aachen. - Ber. about d. Vers. D. Bot. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1916: D1-15; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1916c): Orchigymnadenia Hahnei m. = Gymnadenia conopea + (Orchis incarnatus + maculatus), a new bigener hybrid from the Lower Rhine. Ver. f. natural science. Exploration of the Lower Rhine, 2: 51-55; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1916d): Orchis Wirtgen ii m., A bastard from the Lower Rhine that has become constant.- Dep. D. Ver. f. natural science. Exploration of the Lower Rhine, 2: 55-61; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1916e): Contributions to the flora of the Lower Rhine. I. New Orchis forms from the Lower Rhine. II. Floristic contributions.- Dep. D. Ver. f. natural science. Exploration of the Lower Rhine, 2: 62-82; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1920): The Kirchhellener Heide and the Bestener Torfveen. - Vestische Heimat, 1: 7-10; Office in Westf.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1922): How the Niepkuhlen came into being.- Die Heimat, 1: 122-125, 7 fig .; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1923a): Report on d. Vers. To Bonn on the 9th and 7th October 10, 1920 (botany) .- Ber. ü. d. Vers. D. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1922: D1-5; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1923b): Assembly of the Botanical ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.- Westf. Zu Rheine on the 8th, 9th and 7th September 10, 1921 (botany) .- Ber. ü. d. Vers. D. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. R hld.-Westf., 1922: D5-6; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1923c): Assembly d. Bot. Ud Z ool. Ver. zu Krefeld on June 2-4, 1922 (botany) .- Ber. ü. d. Vers. D. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld. - Westf., 1922: D7; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1924): Small contributions to the orchidaceous flora of the Rhine province. - negotiating d. Naturh. Ver. d. prussia. Rhineland u. Westf., 81: 259-273; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1925a): The cream swamps at St. Hubert. - The Homeland, 4: 245-252; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1925b): The cream swamps at St. Hubert. - The nature on the Lower Rhine, 1 (2): 5-12, 5 fig.; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926a): The Schwalmtal as a natural monument. - Die Heimat, 5 (4): 245-260, 17 fig .; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926b): The Schwalmtal as a natural monument.- The nature on the Lower Rhine, 2 (2): 5-20; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926c): The phanerogam flora of the lakes and ponds of the lower Lower Rhine area.- Archive for Hydrobiology, XVII: 11 7-158, 12 plates; Stuttgart.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926d): Orchis Beckerianus H. Höppner and his circle of shapes together with remarks on related circles of shapes.- Ber. ü. d. Vers. D. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.- Westf., 1926: D1-26, 4 plates; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926e): 27th vers. D. Bot. And Zool. Cleve Association from May 26th to 28th 1926 - Ber. ü. d. Vers. D. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1926: D89-91; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926f): Botanical Association for Rhineland and Westphalia. 27. Assembly of the Botanical Association in Cleve from 26. -28. May 1926.- General Bot. Magazine for systematics, floristry, plant geography, 32: 220-221; Karlsruhe.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1926g): 28th vers. D. Bot. Association for Rhineland and Westphalia in Hagen iW on October 26, 1926.- Ber. ü. d. Vers. D. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld. - Westf., 1926: D91; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1927a): Can the Bislicher Insel be considered a natural monument from a botanical and plant-geographical point of view? .- The nature on the Lower Rhine, 3 (1): 13-15; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1927b): The Hülserbruch then and now.- Nature on the Lower Rhine, 3 (1): 24-32; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1927c): Botanical sketches from the nett area. - The nature on the Lower Rhine, 3 (2): 39-54; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1928a): Report on the Ver. d. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld. U. Westf. On the 8th and 7th June 9, 1927 in Dortmund. - Ber. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1927: 49-50; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1928b): Report on the Ver. d. Bot. Ud Zool. Ver. f. Rhld. U. Westf. In Osnabrück.- Ber. d. Bot. U. Zool. Ver. f. Rhld.-Westf., 1927: 50-52; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1931): A botanical hike through the Hülserbruch.- Communications of the Linker Niederrhein Association, 3 (3): 86-89; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1932): The forms of Lobelia Dortmanna L ..- Ber. d. Bot. U. Z ool. Ver. f. Rhld.- W estf., 1932: 1-2; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1935): The forms of the Potamogeton coloratus VAHL. .- Relation. of the naturist. Ver. d. Rhlde. u. Westf., 91: 174-178; Bonn.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1937): A solitary architectural artist in the Lower Rhine lake and kuhlen area. - Die Heimat, 16 (4): 299-306, 13 fig .; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1938): Solitary bees.- Rheinische Heimatpflege, 10 (1): 78-80, 4 fig .; Cologne.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1939a): The trumpeter in the Hummelstaate .- Die Heimat, 18 (1/2): 7-10; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1939b): Two annoying foreigners in Krefeld Gardens.- Die Heimat, 18 (4): 219-223, 4 figs; Krefeld. Also as a special edition of Heimat as a supplement to Natur am Niederrhein, 1939 (4).
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1940): The large plant communities of the Lower Rhine ponds and lakes - Rheinische Heimatpflege, 12 (1/2): 55-68, 6 fig .; Dusseldorf.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1941a): D er Sankert.- Die Heimat, 20 (1/2): 90-94, 3 fig .; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1941b): A botanical summer excursion to the Krefeld Rheinhafen .- A Krefeld Heimatbuch, 2: 144-148; Krefeld. The article was never published due to the chaos of war. The finished proof is in the HÖPPNER estate (DÜLL & KUTZELLNIG 1987).
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1942): The most beautiful spring plant on the Fürstenberg. - The Lower Rhine, 14 (3): 45-47; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H. (1948): The Hariksee Landscape Protection Area - Compiled by Josef Krahforst, Niederrh. Yearbook, 1: 14-16; Krefeld.
  • HÖPPNER, H., & PREUSS, H. (1926): Flora of the Westphalian-Rhenish industrial area including the Rhenish Bight.- 381 pp.; Dortmund - reprint 1971; Duisburg.
  • STEEGER, A., & HÖPPNER H. (1936): The nature reserve "Wisseler Dünen" on the lower Lower Rhine.- Rheinische Heimatpflege, 8 (1): 92-98; Dusseldorf.
  • STEEGER, A., & HÖPPNER, H., & SCHREURS, TH. (1941): Krefelder Naturpfade.- 246 S., Ed. Verein Linker Niederrhein; Krefeld, published in 1966.


  • Ernst Köppen: Hans Höppner. The botanist of the Lower Rhine . In: Ernst Köppen: Krefeld miniatures . Scherpe, Krefeld 1967, pp. 249-251
  • A. Ochs, Albert Steeger, A. Hahne and Ulrich Streusloff: Hans Höppner on his 70th birthday on February 8, 1943. Reprint of the magazine “Die Heimat”, 7 pages, 1 ill .; Krefeld 1943. (apparently appeared in a small edition, an copy is in the archive of the Krefeld media library).
  • Albert Steeger: Hans Höppner, the florist of the Lower Rhine . In: The Lower Rhine . Volume 18, No. 1, Krefeld 1951, pp. 3-4.
  • Werner Stenmans and Martin Sorg: Hans Höppner's scientific work. Annotated directory of his publications on botany, entomology, nature conservation and natural monument preservation . In: Natur am Niederrhein (NF) . Volume 11, No. 1/2, Krefeld 1996, pp. 137–145, 2 figs.

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