Hans Hutschenreuther

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Hans Hutschenreuther (born October 7, 1575 in Wunsiedel , † January 6, 1657 in Eibenstock ) was an Erzgebirge hammer gentleman and mountain expert.


Hans Hutschenreuther was born as the son of Hans Hutschenreuther (born June 29, 1547 in Wunsiedel) and his wife Margaretha geb. Weinherrscht (* around 1550 in Schlaggenwald ) was born in Wunsiedel in Franconia. The family has been traceable there since the beginning of the 16th century.

Initially working as a sheet metal tinning company in Wunsiedel, he moved to Blauenthal in Saxony in 1600 and continued across the Bohemian border in 1616, where he bought a hammer property in Rothau near Heinrichsgrün . He later owned two hammer mills there. Around 1640 he returned to Blauenthal as a religious refugee and after receiving permission from the Saxon elector on July 15, 1652, he built an iron mine in Morgenröthe near Auerbach . In the last few years of his life he loses most of his once considerable fortune. He died in Eibenstock in 1657 at the age of 81.

Under the tower of the Heinrichsgrün church there is a grave slab of the hammer master Christoph Michael Hutschenreuther, who was raised to the nobility for his "self-sacrificing work".


Hans Hutschenreuther married Anna Wagner in his first marriage on February 13, 1598 in Wunsiedel and Catharina Heupel in 1644.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf W. Meyer: At the end of a day or traces of time of a family . 2nd, revised edition. Pro Business, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86805-595-5 , pp. 39 ( google.de [accessed on April 9, 2018]).
  2. Hans Jaeger:  Hutschenreuther. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 10, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1974, ISBN 3-428-00191-5 , p. 96 ( digitized version ).
  3. ^ Jindřichovice - chateau, church, mausoleum. Retrieved April 9, 2018 .