Hans Lavater

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Hans Lavater (born February 24, 1885 in Zurich ; † April 27, 1969 there ) was a Swiss composer , university teacher and choir director .

life and work

Hans Lavater first studied chemistry. He then switched to music with Friedrich Hegar in Zurich and Fritz Steinbach at the Cologne Conservatory.

Lavater led various choirs in Zurich such as the Harmonie Choir , the Student Choir and the Bach Association. He was the university music director and since 1923 also director of the Zurich Music Academy. In 1959 he retired as its director.

Lavater composed numerous instrumental works, such as a piano concerto in B minor, a piano quintet in F minor, a violin sonata in C sharp minor, and a string quartet in G minor. He also created choral works such as The Magic Tower and Bergpsalm as well as numerous other choirs and songs. He arranged choral pieces by Orlando di Lasso , Tomás Luis de Victoria , Antonio Lotti , Casciolini and Alessandro Scarlatti .

In 1959 Lavater was awarded the Hans Georg Nägeli Medal by the City of Zurich. In 1962 he wrote about The Training of Professional Musicians in Switzerland .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Lavater, Hans . In: Wilibald Gurlitt (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. Persons part: L-Z . Schott, Mainz 1961, p. 35 .
  2. a b c d Lavater, Hans . In: Carl Dahlhaus (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. Personal section: L – Z , supplementary volume. Schott, Mainz 1975, p. 23 .