Hans Mentzinger

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Hans Mentzinger (* 1492 , † before 1550) was an in Basel acting stonemason and builder .

In 1521/1526 Hans Mentzinger and Hans Turner created the sacrament house in the Theodorskirche in Kleinbasel . Later he worked as a foreman at the miners of Basel and 1533 of Freiburg im Breisgau and Masmünster (Alsace). In 1538 he created the epitaph for the humanist Erasmus von Rotterdam, who had died two years earlier, in Basel Minster .


  • Carl Brun (Red.): Swiss Artist Lexicon. Volume 2. Frauenfeld 1908, p. 361.
  • François Maurer: Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kanton Basel-Stadt ,, Vol. 5, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1966 (= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, 52).
  • Anne Nagel: Tombs and epitaphs of the minster and its cloisters. Basel 2000, p. 3f.

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