Hans Radandt

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Hans Radandt (born May 16, 1923 in Berlin ) is a German economic historian.


As the son of a working-class family, he took up an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk after school . At the age of 19 he became a member of the NSDAP in 1942 with membership number 9124514. Shortly after the end of the Nazi regime, he joined the KPD in 1945 and became a member of the SED in April 1946 with the forced unification of the SPD and KPD . In the same year he began to study economics, where he was significantly influenced by Jürgen Kuczynski .

After graduating, he worked as a graduate economist at the German Economic Institute (DWI) in East Berlin. Through the advice of the director of the DWI, Siegbert Kahn , he focused on the history of banks and corporations and their expansion . In 1955 he gained with the work The role of Mansfeld AG in the preparation and implementation of the Second World War , the promotion , and the testing of Jürgen Kuczynski and Elisabeth Giersiepen was made. In the same year he moved to the Institute for History at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (AdW der DDR).

He obtained his habilitation under Jürgen Kuczynski in June 1961 with the subject of inhibiting factors for scientific research under imperialism . From 1962 he lectured on economic history at the economics faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin. He also held other teaching and lecturing activities at the ' Bruno Leuschner ' School of Economics and the ' Franz Mehring ' Technical School for Archives . In 1973 he was appointed professor of economic history at the Institute for Economic History of the AdW of the GDR, where he also worked as head of the department for operational history from 1974.

Another focus of his activities extended to the field of work on the history of the company, initially based on references to the work of Maxim Gorki . He wrote several publications on this subject, whereby he can be regarded as the founder of the operational history of the GDR. This led to content - related conflicts between Radandt and the Institute for Marxism-Leninism of the SED , from which Radandt's health was so damaged that he said goodbye to this area of ​​activity. Ultimately, however, Radandt's line of work prevailed in the field of company history.

In 1968 he became a member of the Historians' Commission of the GDR - VR Bulgaria, ten years later he took over the deputy chairmanship of this department. As part of the editorial board, he worked since 1972 on the publication of the two-volume handbook for economic history . In the same year he became a member of the Presidium of the Historians' Society of the GDR . From 1972 to 1987 he was chairman of the Central Revision Commission of the Science Union. By 1988 he published more than 250 papers in the fields of economic and business history.

Awards in the GDR


  • On the early history of the German trade union movement 1800–1849. (with Elisabeth Todt ), Berlin 1950
  • War criminal group Mansfeld. The role of the Mansfeld Group in the preparation for and during the Second World War. Berlin 1957.
  • AEG. A typical corporation. Berlin 1958.
  • Siemens - Armaments - War - Profits. Author collective under the direction of Hans Radandt, Berlin 1960.
  • The history of the EAW Berlin-Treptow 1926 to 1946. Berlin 1962.
  • How do we write company history? Berlin 1963.
  • Case 6 - Selected documents and judgment of the IG Farben trial. Berlin 1970.
  • Write company history, but how? Berlin 1973.
  • Researching, writing and promoting company history. Berlin 1977.
  • Research and convey company history. Berlin 1979.


  • HR: Hans Radandt 60 years. In: Journal of History . (ZfG), issue 4/1983, pp. 354–355.
  • HHR: Hans Radandt 65 years. In: ZfG. 36th volume, issue 5/1988, p. 436.
  • Gabriele Baumgartner, Dieter Hebig (Hrsg.): Biographisches Handbuch der SBZ / DDR. 1945–1990. Volume 2: Maassen - Zylla. KG Saur, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-598-11177-0 .
  • Jürgen Kocka, Renate Mayntz: Science and Reunification: Disciplines in Transition. Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-05-003270-7 .
  • Lothar Mertens : Lexicon of the GDR historians. Biographies and bibliographies on the historians from the German Democratic Republic. Saur, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-598-11673-X .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reference to the disputes at Radandt on the company's history