Hans Scheriau

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Hans Scheriau

Hans Scheriau (born March 7, 1889 in St. Ruprecht ; † June 15, 1939 ) was an Austrian politician ( NSDAP ).

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Scheriau attended elementary school and then the lower grammar school. Then he went to a teacher training college and worked from 1908 to 1933 as a civil servant for the Austrian railways. From 1909 to 1910 he was a volunteer in the Austro-Hungarian Army . In November 1918 he joined the DNSAP and was its district leader in St. Veit . After meeting Adolf Hitler personally in 1923 , he joined the NSDAP in 1926. From 1926 to 1933 he was deputy Gauleiter of Gaus Carinthia and district leader of the NSDAP in the St. Veit district . In July 1933 he was dismissed from the service of the Austrian Federal Railroad because of his illegal NSDAP membership and was imprisoned several times in the following years. By 1938 he was imprisoned twelve times and spent a total of 27 months. From 1935 to 1936 he was regional training manager for the regional government in Carinthia. After that he was a department head in the national leadership of the NSDAP until March 1938. After the "Anschluss of Austria" to the German Reich in March 1938, he became regional training manager for Austria. In April 1938 he moved into the National Socialist Reichstag and in May 1938 he became district inspector. He held this post until his death in June 1939. His successor in the Reichstag was Franz Schmid .


  • Joachim Lilla , Martin Döring, Andreas Schulz: extras in uniform: the members of the Reichstag 1933–1945. A biographical manual. Including the Volkish and National Socialist members of the Reichstag from May 1924 . Droste, Düsseldorf 2004, ISBN 3-7700-5254-4 , p. 553 .

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