Hans Siefart

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Hans Siefart (born December 1, 1881 in Berlin , † December 19, 1958 in Munich ) was a German business lawyer and industry manager.


Hans Siefart, from an old family of doctors and lawyers in Berlin, studied law at the Philipps University of Marburg . There he became a member of the Corps Hasso-Nassovia in 1904 . As an inactive he moved to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin . During his legal clerkship in Berlin, he was promoted to Dr. jur. PhD. Then he was a court assessor at the Mitte district court .

In 1912 he switched to the Darmstädter und Nationalbank in Berlin. From 1913 to 1919 he was the legal advisor of the Oberschlesische Kokswerke in Berlin. In 1919 he became head of their Vienna subsidiary. Since 1921 he was a member of the board of the Union, Factory for Chemical Products in Szczecin.


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 99 , 785
  2. ^ Klaus Vassel: Corps history of Hasso-Nassovia zu Marburg 1839-1954. A retelling , Vol. 2. Marburg 1981, p. 287.
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 101 , 737
  4. Dissertation: Can a limited personal easement be ordered to secure the retention of title to machines?