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The Hansafüratle is a unique and old custom in the town of Markdorf , which is carried out by children every year on June 24th, St. John's Day .

History and present

The traditional Markdorf custom of the Hansafüratle, whose origins lie in the dark, has been celebrated as the St. John's Festival for centuries and only exists there.

“It may be that in today's world of prosperity, such a custom is no longer so necessary. It certainly comes from times when children, probably from the poorer classes, were sent from house to house so that they could ask for something to eat together, even begging. One can only hope that such times will never come again, and so this festival should continue to have a meaning for the children, if only it keeps the memory of the need for mercy alive. "

- Manfred Ill, Markdorfer city ​​archivist : Markdorfer customs in the annual round: "The Hansafüratle" , in: Markdorf - history and present , p. 220 ff.


Shortly before noon, the schoolchildren meet at various collection and fire points in the city. During the Angelus ringing they step on a large round , is holding hands, a rekindled from aufgeschichtetem wood bonfire and worship the " angel of the Lord ". Then they walk through the city together, ring the bell at all houses and call out a petition:

Hansa, hansa, füratle,
give us a poker school
o Gloria , woman is master and it is lord.
I turn a drumstick.
Gent us nuts and apples.
Doher, doher, doher ...

The children now receive from the residents of the city - including many business people and representatives of public institutions - sweets (mostly candies ), so-called "Guetsle", and fruit; earlier in particular dried fruit and nuts . Sometimes coins are thrown from the windows into the crowd.

If the children do not get anything at a house, the mocking verse sounds :

There is a fork on the wall
it's a mockery, it's a shame!

After two hours, the sack is filled to the brim - most of the time the children have several bags with them due to the large amount of presents.

Sources and literature

  • City of Markdorf (Hrsg.): Markdorf current - Official Gazette of the city of Markdorf . 33rd year, No. 24/25.
  • City of Markdorf (Ed.), Manfred Ill u. a .: Markdorf - past and present . Kehrer Verlag KG, Freiburg, ISBN 3-923937-83-0 .
  • Manfred Ill: Pictures from the good old days 1870–1940 . Publisher H. Zanker, 1979.