Hanse Schoierer

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Schoierer at a performance in Munich in 2007

Hanse Schoierer (* 3. February 1950 in Munich as John Casimir Schoierer ) is a German musician , singer, guitarist, producer and songwriter . Co-author of the song "Haberfeldtreiber".


childhood and education

Schoierer is the son of Johann Schoierer, a local politician and founding member of the ÖTV trade union, chairman of the staff council of the Upper Bavarian district and holder of the Federal Cross of Merit. He grew up in Haar and first attended the Ottendichl elementary school and later the elementary school in Haar. In the secondary school in Munich he laid 1967, the high school , and trained as an electrician, specializing in electronics, in which Rohde & Schwarz, from whom he received the Facharbeiterbrief also 1971st From 1971 to 1973 Schoierer did community service in the Haar district hospital (today Isar-Amper Klinikum). From 1973 he worked as a television technician in Munich. Since 1976 as a professional musician.


Schoierer's first public appearance took place in 1965 with the amateur band "The Ramblin 'Lawyers". Concerts with Willy Michl, among others, followed in the 1970s . Schoierer had his first commercial appearance in 1976 in the Münchner Kleinkunstbühne MUH, where z. For example, Fredl Fesl was able to take his first steps. From the 1980s he put the Schoierer-Band together with Harald Bischoff on the organ, Alex Friedrich on the drums and Colin Standring on the bass and was on the road all over Germany with his Bavarian blues-rock.

In the 1980s and 1990s several concerts with the Zither Manä followed .

Since 2002 Schoierer has been back on stage as a soloist and has been accompanied by his virtual band Free Beer Shadows since 2010, where he plays and sings all the instruments and chants on his playbacks himself. In addition, he repeatedly appears with well-known performers such as Günter Sigl, the head of the Spider Murphy Gang , Jürgen Buchner and Haindling, Cagey Strings and others. In the spring of 2012, Schoierer lost a plagiarism lawsuit before the Munich I district court for the copyrights to the song Haberfeldtreiber against the songwriter Sepp Raith. After an agreement he is now co-author of the play Haberfeldtreiber . Many of his pieces such as the title page of Bravo , Never a Rock'n'Roller , The Farewell Letter , Drei Münchner an der Himmelstür and the Lebakassemme Blues became smaller hits that others like to play.

In June 2018 he was chosen by the audience as the 2nd winner of the 5th Kufsteiner Kleinkunstpreis "Kufsteiner Salzfassl".

watch TV

In May 1979 Schoierer made his first TV appearance on the Margot Werner Show on Bavarian TV.

1983 SWR - songs and people

1984 BR - Bayernkini; ARD - evening show

1992 BR - Gaudimax

1993 ARD - Gaudimax Show

and repeatedly appearances on public broadcasters as well as on private TV and internet channels


The cabaret artist Gerhard Polt said of Schoierer: "I would even go to the Schoierer Hanse if I didn't have time!"

Discography (excerpt)

  • 1978: Sooner or later ... (LP / CD)
  • 1980: A so a fade party (LP / CD)
  • 1981: Searchin Blues - Da Charly (single)
  • 1982: So and net different (LP / CD)
  • 1984: From Pasing to the Isartor (LP / CD)
  • 1987: Higher to be a Bayer - You look so terribly good (single)
  • 1989: Rockator (LP / CD)
  • 1994: Rock 'n' Roll at Bluad! (CD)
  • 1996: Music that doesn't get in the way of ironing (CD)
  • 2002: Ned bell`n - bite! (CD)
  • 2006: Live 2006 (CD)
  • 2009: Haberfeld driver (mini CD)
  • 2012: Bavarian Snack Rock (CD)
  • 2016 Beat Alltime Hits (CD)
  • 2017 Iconic Schlager All-Time Hits (CD)
  • 2018 Rock´n´Roll Alltime Hits (CD)

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.hanse-schoierer.de/vita.html
  2. Songwriter Sepp Raith wins the plagiarism case on March 1, 2012 , accessed on July 2, 2016.
  3. Gerhard Polt on Hanse Schoierer

Web links