Harald Franz Ofner

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Harald Franz Ofner (born May 17, 1963 in Aalen / Baden-Württemberg ) is an Austrian educationalist , evangelical author , founder and chairman of the Aid Association for Evangelical Christians in Austria, who lives in Ried im Innkreis . He teaches free church religion at several schools and publishes in Christian magazines and books.


After finishing school, Harald F. Ofner moved with his parents to Ried im Innkreis in 1985 . Initially, he worked in the commercial sector. He completed his studies while working as a part-time student (1998–2003) at the Distance University in Hagen . The subjects of study were education , sociology and philosophy . He completed his studies with a Magister Artium .

At the age of 16, Ofner came into contact with Jehovah's Witnesses and was impressed and attracted by their determination and discipline. It was only through an independent, personal Bible study that he became irritated in some of the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, recognized many as constructed and after 11 years left the community. In June 1992 Ofner became a "born again Christian " and in 1998 founded the Free Bible Congregation in Ried. Starting with a five-part series of publications on the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, Harald F. Ofner publishes primarily on ideological issues and tries to maintain a Bible-oriented perspective. He has been a preacher and church leader since 2006 . He is editor-in-chief of the Christian magazine The New Creation and works as its editorial staff (from 2006 to 2012 and from 2020 to date). He is the author of numerous articles on Christian theological and time-critical topics, and his strictly conservative, biblical positions, in particular his rejection of Islam and homosexuality, repeatedly lead to discussions. He is “not xenophobic and treats Muslims with love and respect, but he rejects a mixture of religions.” “Since there is only one true God, we cannot do common cause with Islam. It is not about offending religious feelings, but the Bible does not allow praying together with an imam. "On the subject of homosexuality, he says:" Christians base their faith on the Bible and not on the zeitgeist. "

His theological education, which was entirely self-taught , helped him to work as a course director (2007–2009) at theological-oriented seminars for church leaders. From 2013 to 2019 he was honorary managing director of the advanced training institute “vitaldialog.com”.

Ofner is a second married and has three children with his wife.

Publications (selection)

  • Development of the early church The young community was shaped by Jews , Ried 1999
  • Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him verse by verse discussion , Ried 2005
  • The Bible in the Stream of Time Chronology of the Holy Scriptures , Ried 2012
  • Do we lack the Holy Spirit? Spiritual bankruptcy in many parishes , Ried 2014
  • A study of the letter of James Study of the individual verses , Ried 2018

Web links

Single receipts

  1. ZVR excerpt: Aid Association Evangelical Christians (PDF; 0.8 MB), accessed November 7, 2018
  2. ↑ Education Office of the Free Churches in Austria , accessed on November 7, 2018.
  3. ^ Journal BEG aktiv Freie Bibelgemeinde Ried (PDF; 1.04 MB), accessed February 26, 2018.
  4. Free Bible Church Ried church leadership , accessed on November 7 2018th
  5. ^ Journal: The New Creation , accessed on June 18, 2020.
  6. Short biography of Harald F. Ofner , accessed on June 18, 2020.
  7. vitaldialog.com Imprint , accessed on November 7, 2018.