Harald Kruse

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Harald Kruse (born September 12, 1923 in Bremen ; † August 3, 1988 ibid) was a German composer and pianist .

A sought-after piano accompanist for singers and instrumentalists as a schoolboy, first compositions (songs and instrumental pieces); after the war piano lessons with Walter Bergmann and conducting and composition with Franz Konwitschny : Theater Kapellmeister in Mainz and Koblenz; after returning to his hometown Bremen, teacher at the music school for piano and harmony since 1966; Performance of various works by the choir and orchestra Bremer Dom , recordings Radio Bremen .

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  1. ^ Friedrich Hofmann: The choir . In: Neue Zeitschrift für Musik , Volume 119. Schott, Mainz 1958. P. 371
  2. New Music in the Federal Republic of Germany: Documentation, Volume 2 . Society for New Music, Witten 1958. p. 74.