Harald Zahrte

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Harald Zahrte (* 1957 in Uelzen ) is a German politician ( non-party ) and administrative officer . He is Mayor of Lower Saxony's joint municipality of Land Hadeln and city ​​director of Otterndorf .

Joint administration in Hadler Haus, Otterndorf

Life and work

Zahrte was born in Uelzen in 1957 and attended the Herzog-Ernst-Gymnasium there from 1967 to 1976 . Since 1995 he has been mayor and city director of Otterndorf. In May 2019, Zahrt ran for the office of Lord Mayor in Cuxhaven . He received 40.25% of the vote.

He is also a member of the supervisory board of the adult education center in the district of Cuxhaven e. V. at.

He is married and has three children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Employee of the municipality administration Land Hadeln
  2. https://www.cnv-medien.de/news/harald-zahrte-bleibt-samtgemeindebuergermeister.html accessed July 31, 2020
  3. Supervisory board of the adult education center in the district of Cuxhaven e. V.