Harry Bannink

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Harry Bannink.jpg

Harry Bannink (born April 10, 1929 in Enschede , † October 19, 1999 in Bosch en Duin ) was a Dutch composer and pianist . He composed over 3000 songs, many of them for one-time use on television.


Bannink studied at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague . He began his musical career in the late 1950s as a pianist in a small dance orchestra . In the beginning he composed mainly for the theater and created the first Dutch musical in 1965 with the author Annie Schmidt . Songs that he composed for the television series Ja zuster, nee zuster and 't Schaep met de 5 pooten from 1966 to 1970 are still popular today.

Since the 1970s he has worked with a permanent team of copywriters on various television series for children, as a result of which an entire generation grew up with his music. In the De film van Ome Willem series , he also always appeared himself, nicknamed “hoofd-geitebreier” (main goat knitter), as a joking prototype of a serious pianist. From 1981 until shortly before his death, Bannink was a resident composer with the Dutch version of Sesame Street and the informative youth program Het Klokhuis . He mainly worked with singing actors.

Because of the high quality, variety and popularity of his works, Bannink is sometimes considered the greatest Dutch composer in recent years.

Individual evidence

  1. Harry Bannink - Biography access = 2018-11-07. (Dutch).
  2. Harry Bannink - Wie Is Wie In Overijssel. Retrieved November 7, 2018 (nl-nl).
  3. Yes zuster, no zuster - Beeld en Geluid Wiki. Retrieved November 7, 2018 (Dutch).
  4. Over Harry Bannink Harry Bannink® . In: Harry Bannink® . ( harrybannink.info [accessed November 7, 2018]).
  5. oeuvre van Harry Bannink - Beeld en Geluid Wiki. Retrieved November 7, 2018 (Dutch).
  6. Aart starts spontaneously mee te zingen . In: NRC . ( nrc.nl [accessed November 7, 2018]).