Hartmut Neuendorff

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Hartmut Neuendorff (born January 30, 1940 in Siegen ) is a German sociologist and professor emeritus.

He initially worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Sociology at the Free University of Berlin and at the Sociological Seminar at the University of Frankfurt am Main . In 1971 Neuendorff received his doctorate in sociology and then worked at the Max Planck Institute to research the living conditions in the scientific and technical world .

After his habilitation in 1975, he was appointed to the chair for sociology, especially work sociology, of the economics and social science faculty of the Technical University of Dortmund , of which he was dean from 1996 to 2004.

The focus of work is industrial sociology , work sociology , forms of consciousness and mentalities , knowledge and science sociology , flexible work, new employment biographies, regional development of the Ruhr area , methods of reconstructive social research.

Neuendorff lives in Dortmund .

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