Sociology of work
The sociology of work deals with work in all social forms. The work is classified according to special socio-cultural characteristics and partially dealt with under technical , institutional or economic and political aspects. As one of the special sociologies , it is only more recent, although its subject, work, previously occupied philosophers and scientists in the fields of national and social economics (see work (philosophy) or work (social sciences) ). Work sociological topics are already dealt with in philosophical and economic treatises of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Since the term work includes many human activities with other names - e.g. B service , care , science , combat or war (“ destructive work”) - the sociology of work has an extremely wide-ranging field of research. Artistic and sporting activities can also be analyzed from the work point of view.
Karl Bücher's extensive study “ Work and Rhythm ” from 1904 was pioneering in terms of the sociology of work .
Research priorities
The sociology of work investigates
- the individual moments and dimensions of the work process , such as cooperation and division of labor , requirements and qualifications , forms and techniques of work, company hierarchy and co-determination ;
- the social organization of work, in particular the labor market , employee representatives ( trade unions ), occupation and profession , as well as the social division of labor ;
- the relationship between work and leisure and reproductive work in the household and family, which is largely a matter for women and raises the question of the compatibility of family and work ;
- the subjective side in the social behavior of the workers with the following aspects: work motivation , work experience as work suffering and work joy , group formation , cooperation and conflict behavior including " absenteeism " as well as work parties and celebrations, such as B. Thanksgiving ;
- the social status of the workers (e.g. free / unfree, unskilled / learned; farmers / workers / employees / civil servants ).
- Work as an integration factor, for example in connection with precarization . Often it is also about a comparison of the normal employment relationship and precarious or atypical employment.
In addition, the sociology of work deals with many special questions such as child labor , forced labor , " humanization of the world of work ".
See also
- Job satisfaction , alienation
- Work ethic , human relations
- Working group , team
- Industrial and business sociology
- Breaking the boundaries of work
- Fritz Böhle , G. Günter Voß , Günther Wachtler (eds.): Handbuch Arbeitsoziologie , VS Verlag , Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-15432-9 .
- Karl books : work and rhythm , Hirzel, Leipzig 1904
- Lars Clausen : Productive work, destructive work , Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1988, ISBN 3-11-011814-9
- Daniel B. Cornfield / Randy Hodson (Eds.): Worlds of Work: Building International Sociology of Work . Kluwer, New York 2002, ISBN 0-306-46605-8
- Christoph Deutschmann : Post-industrial industrial sociology. Theoretical foundations, working conditions and social identities , Juventa, Munich 2002
- Friedrich Fürstenberg : Introduction to the sociology of work , Wiss. Book Society, Darmstadt 1977
- Alexander Neumann : 'Critical Sociology of Work', Schmetterling Verlag, Stuttgart 2010
- Claus Offe : Labor Society . Structural problems and future prospects. Campus, Frankfurt am Main 1984.
- Gert Schmidt (Ed.): No end of the working society. Work, society and the subject in the globalization process. Edition sigma, Berlin 1999, ISBN 978-3-89404-471-8 .
- Johano Strasser : When the working society runs out of work. (1999)
- Konrad Thomas : Analysis of the work , Enke, Stuttgart 1969
- Fritz Vilmar (Ed.): Human dignity in the company. Models of the humanization and democratization of the industrial world of work , Rowohlt, Reinbek 1974, ISBN 3-499-11604-9
- Max Weber : The 'objectivity' of sociological and socio-political knowledge. In: Archives for Social Science and Social Policy. 19 1904, pp. 22-87 (MWG I / 7, 135-234; GAWL 146-214).
- Max Weber: The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism . In: Archives for Social Science and Social Policy. 20 1904, pp. 1–54 and 21, 1905, pp. 1–110 (MWG I / 9 and MWG I / 18; revised in GARS I 1–206).
- Max Weber: On the psychophysics of industrial work. In: Archives for Social Science and Social Policy. Volume 28 (1908), Issues 1 and 3, Volume 29 (1909), Issue 2 (MWG I / 11).
- Irmgard Weyrather : The woman on the assembly line. The picture of the factory worker in social research 1870 - 1985 , Campus, Frankfurt am Main / New York 2003
Web links
- Section Work and Industrial Sociology of the German Society for Sociology (DGS)
- Link page to institutes, databases & archives (e.g. SOEP )
Individual evidence
- ^ Fritz Böhle, Gerd-Günter Voss, Günther Wachtler: Handbuch Arbeitsoziologie , VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 9783531154329 ; In the first chapter of this book, What Is Work? Gerd-Günter Voss points out that the sociology of work does not yet have a generally valid concept of work.