Hartwig Muller

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Hartwig Müller (born May 29, 1940 ) is a former German police officer. From 1986 to 1990 he was Deputy Minister of the Interior and in 1990 State Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the GDR .


He joined the SED and became a member of the DVP . As Colonel of the VP he was head of the finance administration of the Ministry of the Interior (MdI) of the GDR from 1979 to 1984. In 1985 he was appointed major general by Erich Honecker . After the death of Rudolf Tittelbach , he became head of the supply services and the innovation council of the MdI in the same year, and in 1986 also deputy to the minister of the interior. He also retained these functions under Interior Ministers Lothar Ahrendt and Peter-Michael Diestel , was reassessed from Major General to Chief Inspector on May 1, 1990 , and then State Secretary.

Müller lives in Berlin and is a member of the ISOR and GRH associations .


Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung , September 20, 1990, p. 16.
  2. "ISORaktuell" No. 11/2013
  3. Congratulations on your 70th birthday in "grh-Mitteilungen" No. 5 - May 2010.