Haruthiun Abeljanz

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Haruthiun Abeljanz (1914)

Haruthiun Abeljanz (born April 25, 1849 in Lori , Armenia , Ottoman Empire ; † October 10-11 , 1921 in Zurich ) was a Swiss chemist .


He first studied in Heidelberg , then enrolled in the Philosophical Faculty II of the University of Zurich for chemistry in the summer semester of 1869 and passed the final examination on November 27, 1871, his doctorate to become Dr. phil. took place on February 27, 1872 with Johannes Wislicenus due to the dissertation on the Bichloräther . In 1873 he completed his habilitation at the University of Zurich and subsequently read at the university and at the polytechnic at the same time .

On February 15, 1877 he took up the newly created office of canton chemist. As such, he was responsible for chemical investigations in the context of food and drinking water monitoring. He gave up this office on April 20, 1884 after he had been appointed associate professor of organic chemistry . On July 26, 1884, he was naturalized in Zurich.

On 25 October 1876 he married in Fluntern the doctor Dr. Virginia Schlikoff (Jenja Schlikova, born July 15, 1853 in Moscow, † September 26, 1949 in Zurich). In 1878 they had a daughter, Agnes Erika. The marriage was divorced on July 5, 1902.

In 1890 Abeljanz was appointed full professor of organic chemistry and held this position until his retirement in 1920.

His most successful publication was that of George Stadeler founded by Hermann Kolbe continued Guidelines for qualitative chemical analysis , which he supervised from the 9th edition (1891) in numerous editions and was translated into other languages.


  • About the dichloro ether . Zurich: Zürcher & Furrer 1872
  • About benzene potassium , in: Quarterly publication of the Natural Research Society in Zurich 20 (1875), pp. 458–463
  • (together with Georg Andreas Karl Städeler and Hermann Kolbe) Guide for qualitative chemical analysis . Zurich: Orell Füssli, 9th edition 1891, 15th edition 1921


  • Franziska Rogger, Monika Bankowski: All of Europe is looking at us! Swiss women's studies and its Russian pioneers . here + now, Baden 2010, ISBN 978-3-03919-146-8 .

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