Hasan Rami Pasha

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Admiral Hasan Pasha, 1897

Hasan Rami Pascha (* 1842 in Selânik , Ottoman Empire , † 1923 in Istanbul ) was an Ottoman military man and Kaptan-ı Deryâ .

During the Russo-Ottoman War , he commanded a warship. In 1882 he was promoted to naval commander. In 1885 he was appointed adjutant to Sultan Abdülhamid II . During the Turkish-Greek War Hasan Pasha was charged with the defense of the Dardanelles . In 1906 he was appointed Minister of the Navy and remained so until the sultan's dismissal in 1908. He was brought before a court martial and demoted. He lived in Istanbul until his death in 1923.

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Commons : Hasan Rami Pascha  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files