Haslach-Mindel interglacial

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The Haslach-Mindel interglacial (also Haslach-Mindel warm period ) is a warm period of the Pleistocene of the Alps . It lies between the Haslach and Mindel glacial periods .


The Haslach interglacial is defined as the erosion phase that follows the Haslach glacial period and preceded the Mindel glacial period. It thus corresponds to the layer gap between the Haslacher gravel and the Tannheim-Laupheim gravel northeast of the Rhine glacier . There is little evidence of erosion during the interglacial.

The interglacial can possibly be correlated with the MIS 13. In this case, it would have been around 480,000 years old. In this case, the Haslach-Mindel interglacial would at least partially correspond to the period in which the major Swiss glaciations took place.

The definition of the interglacial raises problems because it relates the Haslach glacial period, which is defined on the basis of gravel deposits, to the Mindel glacial period, which was defined on the basis of deposits safely caused by glaciers. It has not yet been clearly proven that the gravel was deposited as part of a glacial series , as moraines from the Haslach glacial period have not been reliably proven. The small height differences between the Haslach gravel terrace and the Mindel gravel in the type area as well as the described uncertainty of the relationship between the Haslach gravel and glacier deposits - tectonic causes such as an uplift phase in the Alps - have led to the fact that based on the designation of the Cromer complex for the entire sequence of the Haslach and Minimum Age terrain forms and deposits the designation Haslach-Mindel complex was proposed.


  • KA Habbe, with the collaboration of D. Ellwanger and R. Becker-Haumann: Stratigraphic terms for the Quaternary of the southern German Alpine foothills . In: T. Litt on behalf of the German Stratigraphic Commission 2007 (Ed.): Ice Age and Present / Quaternary Science Journal . 56, No. 1/2. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagbuchhandlung (Nägele and Obermiller), ISSN  0424-7116 , p. 66-83 , doi : 10.3285 / eg.56.1-2.03 ( article ).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A. Schreiner & R. Ebel: Quaternary geological investigations in the vicinity of interglacial deposits in the eastern Rhine glacier area (Baden-Württemberg) . In: Geological Yearbook . A 59. Hanover 1981, p. 3-64 .
  2. ^ T. Haag: The Mindelglacial of the northeastern Rhine glacier area between Riss and Iller . In: Annual reports and communications from the Upper Rhine Geological Association . tape 64 . Stuttgart 1982, p. 225-266 .
  3. Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years (PDF file; 433 kB) , correlation table of the Subcomission on Quaternary Stratigraphy of the ICS with the oxygen isotope levels from MIS 106. Version 2009
  4. Christian Schlüchter & Meredith Kelly: The Ice Age in Switzerland. (PDF file; 1.7 MB) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on January 29, 2015 ; Retrieved February 20, 2010 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.landschaftundkies.ch