Hasmonea Lwów

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Hasmonea Lwow Logo.jpg

The Żydowski Klub Sportowy Hasmonea Lwów ( Jewish Sports Club Hasmonea Lwów , ŻKS Hasmonea Lwów for short ) was a Jewish sports and football club in the then Galician and since 1919 Polish city ​​of Lwów (now Lwiw , German Lemberg ).


The name Hasmonea is derived from the name of the Jewish dynasty of the Hasmoneans .


Football team around 1915
1935 soccer team

When it was founded in 1908, it was the first and subsequently the most important Jewish sports club in Austria-Hungary and Poland .

In the city there were successful local rivals with Pogoń Lwów and Czarni Lwów .

The club was on March 1, 1927 one of the founding members of the League Piłki Nożnej - LPN , the highest Polish league. In 1927 the 11th place was occupied, in 1928 the 13th place, which meant relegation to the 2nd division.

The striker Zygmunt Steuermann was the goal scorer of the Polish national football team in 1926 and 1928 .

In 1930 the association joined the Makkabi association . In 1932 a new stadium was moved into after a devastating fire.

It existed from 1908 until its dissolution after the invasion of Soviet troops in September 1939 .

Table tennis

The club had a successful table tennis section. In 1933 she became the Polish team champion in table tennis. Alojzy Ehrlich was a bronze medalist in 1935 and a silver medalist at the World Championships in 1936, 1937 and 1939.

1927 season


Record: 11th place, 8 wins, 7 draws, 11 defeats, 55:78 goals, goal scorers: Zygmunt Steuermann 23 goals, Alexander Mahler 14 goals

1928 season


Record: 13th place
5 wins, 3 draws, 18 defeats, 40:68 goals goal scorers: Zygmunt Steuermann 16 goals
relegation to the 2nd division


  1. Ukraine - List of Foundation Dates - RSSSF
  2. This was followed by Maccabi Kraków , Hakoah Chernivtsi and others.
  3. Torpedo Stadium (Ukrainian)