House Romberg

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Haus Romberg main house
House Romberg outer bailey
House Romberg, details on the gatehouse, 2012

The Romberg house is a small knight's seat in the Ascheberg district of Davensberg in the Münsterland .


You can see from the loopholes in the gatehouse and the trenches and ramparts that it is a former knight's castle. The mansion , built in the Renaissance style , is opposite the gateway to the gatehouse. An octagonal tower with corner blocks made of sandstone is attached to the manor house .


The first known owners were the von Rodenberg family , from whom it came to the von der Leithe family around 1400 . When Bernd Wulff zu Füchteln married Margarethe von der Leithe in 1503, the Romberg family passed to the Wulf family. Dietrich von Galen married the Romberg heir daughter Bernharda Wulf in 1566 and thus brought the Romberg estate to his family. Thus the von Galen were owned by Haus Romberg the longest. Today it is privately owned. The current owners have already undertaken a number of renovations.

Web links

Commons : Haus Romberg  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 48 '21.3 "  N , 7 ° 36' 1.9"  E