Hawaiian Akepa hawk bird

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Hawaiian Akepa hawk bird
Hawaiian Akepa dress birds

Hawaiian Akepa dress birds

Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Finches (Fringillidae)
Subfamily : Goldfinches (Carduelinae)
Tribe : Clothes birds (Drepanidini)
Genre : Akepa-covered birds ( Loxops )
Type : Hawaiian Akepa hawk bird
Scientific name
Loxops coccineus
( Gmelin , 1789)

The Hawaiian Akepa hawk bird ( Loxops coccineus ) is a very rare, possibly already extinct species from the genus of hawk birds .


The ten to twelve centimeter tall bird has a short, gray, conical beak. The plumage of the males is colored red on the underside of the abdomen and on the head. The back and legs are brown. The females have dull gray-green plumage with a light yellow-orange tint in the chest area.

Way of life and habitat

He lives in the mountain forests of the island of Hawaii. There he looks for insects and spiders on old trees, but he does not disdain plant nectar either.


The nest, in which the female lays up to three eggs, is built in a cave in old rotten trees in the island's vegetation. The breeding period of the species is 14-16 days, after which the young spend up to three weeks in the nest. Both parent animals provide the brood, mainly with insects.

Hazards and protective measures

The species is threatened due to the destruction of its habitat, mosquito- borne diseases, introduced wild boars, mongooses, wasps, ants and competition from the Japanese spectacled bird ( Zosterops japonicus ). The total population was estimated at around 14,000 individuals in 2000. To protect the species, the neobiota are heavily hunted, native species such as the koa acacia are replanted and nesting boxes are set up. Two subspecies are extinct: L. coccineus wolstenholmei from Oʻahu , last sighting in 1930 and L. coccineus ochraceus from Maui , last sighting in 1988.


  • The great world empire of the animals . Pp. 380-381, ISBN 3-8247-8614-1 , deut. Translation from the English publisher: Planet Medien AG, Zug 1992
  • Joseph Michael Forshaw (ed.), David Kirshner: Encyclopedia of the Wildlife: Birds. Translated from the English by Derek Vinyard. Orbis, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 978-3-572-01378-4 . Pp. 216-222.
  • Freed, LA; Cann, RL; Bodner, GR 2008: Incipient extinction of a major population of the Hawaii akepa owing to introduced species . Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 931-965.
  • Lepson, JK; Freed, LA 1997: Akepa (Loxops coccineus) . In: Poole, A .; Gill, F. (ed.), The birds of North America, No. 294, pp. 1-24. The Academy of Natural Sciences and The American Ornithologists' Union, Philadelphia and Washington, DC.

Web links

Commons : Hawaiian Akepa hawk bird ( Loxops coccineus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files