Hecht Synagogue

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Hecht Synagogue on Mount Scopus

The Hecht Synagogue in Jerusalem ( Israel ) was built in 1981 on the site of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on Mount Scopus .

The construction of the massive building was initiated by the family of the US Senator and Ambassador to the Bahamas Chic Hecht (1928-2006).

The synagogue is known for the unique arrangement of the Torah shrine . The synagogue also offers an outstanding panoramic view of the old city of Jerusalem.

The designer of the building was the Israeli architect Ram Karmi (1931–2013), who did not orient the prayer room towards the Temple Mount - as is usual with religious buildings in Jerusalem - but instead equipped the building with a window with a view of the Temple Mount.

Web links

Commons : The Hecht synagogue in the Hebrew University  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Article in the Bulletin Journal of July 16, 1981, pages 2 & 9 (English)
  2. Hecht Synagogue: A fortress of faith overlooks Jerusalem (English)
  3. Jerusalem - Holy Places of the Jews, Miriam Magall, pp. 98 ff.

Coordinates: 31 ° 47 ′ 30.9 "  N , 35 ° 14 ′ 32.2"  E