Or class

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Or class
Hohensaaten (2015)
Hohensaaten (2015)
Ship data
Ship type Icebreaker
Shipyard * VEB shipyard Dresden Übigau
Construction period 1957 to 1958
Units built 7th
Cruising areas Inland waterways
Ship dimensions and crew
30.10 m ( Lüa )
width 7.35 m
Draft Max. 2.20 m
displacement 145  t
crew 4-5
Machine system
machine 1 × marine diesel engine
propeller 1 × fixed propeller
Ice class


Towing gear

Patent slip hooks

The Oder-class (also Or icebreaker ) is a series of seven icebreakers that for the GDR - inland waterways were built.


The ships were designed for use in icebreakers on the Oder . The type ship was delivered in 1957 by VEB Schiffswerft Dresden Übigau and the following units from Ernst Thälmann Werft in Brandenburg an der Havel .

The ice-reinforced hull is made of steel and divided into eight compartments by seven bulkheads . The original drive consisted of a type 6 NVD 48 marine diesel engine from VEB Schwermaschinenbau "Karl Liebknecht" , which operated on a fixed propeller . With a drive power of 397  kW , a cruising speed of 13  km / h was achieved. As part of conversions and modernizations, the drive motors were also replaced, so that the class does not have a uniform motorization today.

The Odereisbreakers are equipped with towing gear and are also used as tugs in the ice-free season .


The icebreakers were initially used by VEB Binnenreederei Berlin and in the 1970s they were subordinated to the Eberswalde Waterways Authority. After the reunification of Germany , all units were taken over by the Eberswalde Waterways and Shipping Office .

Build number Name (s) Ship number Construction year Whereabouts credentials
1463 Hohensaaten
ex- friendship (until 1964)
ENI 05027270 1957 WSA Eberswalde
503-1 Angermünde
ex- Woltersdorf (until 1964)
ex- unit (until 1961)
ENI 05027330 1958 WSA Schweinfurt
503-2 Kienitz
ex- Königs Wusterhausen (until 1964)
ex- Solidarity (until 1961)
ENI 05027290 1958 WSA Eberswalde
503-3 EisEd 3
ex- Oder (until 2011)
ENI 05027310 1958 Ed Line shipping company
503-4 EisEd 2
ex- Gartz (until 2012)
ENI 05027280 1958 Ed Line shipping company
503-5 Usedom
ex- Schwedt (until 1972)
ENI 05027260 1958 WSA Eberswalde
503-6 Kasuaris
ex- Frankfurt (until 2004)
IMO 8884701 1958 Trailer Netherlands

See also

Web links

Commons : Or class  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Icebreaker Hohensaaten. WSA Eberswalde, accessed on August 26, 2014 .
  2. Hohensaaten ship data. (No longer available online.) Register online Germanischer Lloyd , archived from the original on August 27, 2014 ; accessed on August 26, 2014 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / app.gl-group.com
  3. Icebreaker Kienitz after renovation. WSA Eberswalde, accessed on August 26, 2014 .
  4. Icebreaker Or. WSA Eberswalde, accessed on August 26, 2014 .
  5. a b Ed Line's fleet. Retrieved August 26, 2014 .
  6. Gartz Icebreaker. WSA Eberswalde, accessed on August 26, 2014 .
  7. ^ Icebreaker Usedom. WSA Eberswalde, accessed on August 26, 2014 .
  8. Ship details Usedom. (No longer available online.) Register online Germanischer Lloyd, archived from the original on August 27, 2014 ; accessed on August 26, 2014 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / app.gl-group.com