Heide Proksch

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Heide Proksch (born Kahlig , born November 20, 1942 in Mährisch Ostrau ) is an Austrian tapestry artist.

She came to Vienna in 1945 with her mother and sister two years her senior and spent her childhood and school there. In 1960 she finished the commercial academy with the Matura and then worked as a translator (English, French) and chief secretary. In 1965 she married the painter Peter Proksch , gave up her commercial occupation in 1968 and studied artistic textile techniques at the Academy of Applied Arts Vienna . She weaves her tapestries almost exclusively according to the designs of her husband Peter Proksch, who died in 2012, and shows them in joint exhibitions.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gerhard Habarta: Lexikon der Fantastischen Künstler , Books on Demand , 2013, ISBN 3848263076 , p. 382; Google Books
  2. Dalí in the water. Gothic Worlds , catalog for the exhibition from October 3 to 22, 2008 in the German Hop Museum
  3. Woven Myths - Heide and Peter Proksch , web magazine phantastisch.at, August 20, 2010
  4. L'Action des Heritiers de Dali , Blog Dali-Visions by Roger Erasmy
  5. König and Lola lure you to the Alte Sudhaus , Mittelbayerische Zeitung , April 17, 2013