Heiko Paeth

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Heiko Paeth (* 1970 ) is a German geographer and professor of physical geography at the University of Würzburg .


Paeth studied geography , meteorology and geology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn from 1991 to 1997 . From 1997 to 2000 he did his doctorate there in meteorology with a minor in pedology , worked at the local meteorological institute from 2000 to 2005 and also completed his habilitation there. He worked briefly as a private lecturer at the Institute of Geography. Since 2006 he has been professor of physical geography at the Institute for Geography and Geology at the University of Würzburg.


Paeth's work is particularly concerned with climate change, seasonal climate forecasting and climate modeling , with the regional focus on Central Europe, the Mediterranean region and Africa. He particularly points out the problem of cities caused by ongoing global warming : “The hot and dry summers of recent years have meant that climate change is finally being perceived more strongly in cities too. Because the problem of future heat stress increases in our cities. "

Publications (selection)

  • H. Paeth, K. Born, R. Girmes, R. Podzun and D. Jacob: Regional climate change in tropical and northern Africa due to greenhouse forcing and land use changes. In: Journal of Climate . Volume 22, No. 1, 2009, pp. 114-132.
  • H. Paeth et al. a .: Progress in regional downscaling of West African precipitation. In: Atmospheric Science Letters. Volume 12, No. 1, 2011, pp. 75-82.
  • H. Paeth, G. Vogt, A. Paxian, Elke Hertig, S. Seubert and J. Jacobeit: Quantifying the evidence of climate change in the light of uncertainty exemplified by the Mediterranean hot spot region. In: Global and Planetary Change. Volume 151, 2017, pp. 144–151.


  1. a b c Climate protection - aspiration and reality: "No longer completely averting climate change". heute.de, February 9, 2019, accessed on February 12, 2019 .
  2. a b c Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth. University of Würzburg, accessed on February 12, 2019 .