Heiner-Matthias Priesnitz

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Heiner-Matthias Priesnitz (born March 20, 1944 in Breslau ) is a German draftsman.


Priesnitz studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Mac Zimmermann and Gerd Winner (master class). In 1976 he was awarded the Fine Art Prize of the City of Munich . In 1980/81 he accepted an annual scholarship at the Villa Massimo in Rome. Heiner-Matthias Priesnitz is a member of the German Association of Artists . He lives in Velden / Eberspoint.


The formally simplified image program (architecture, interiors, pieces of furniture, still lifes) has been conveyed by Priesnitz since the early 1970s using display techniques that largely reduce brightness contrasts. In the pencil drawings, the objects appear as if in a bright fog of light. So they are barely noticeable to the casual observer. With this, Priesnitz consciously positions itself against excessive visual stimuli. Due to their reluctance to reproduce these works in a satisfactory manner, their presence in the culture of reproduction was largely excluded for a long time. The content and the carefully designed atmosphere of the drawings could only be experienced in direct encounter. It was not until 2016 that a book was created which, by applying current reproduction options, conveys an idea of ​​the originals and documents the artistic intention. [3]


  • Wolfgang Ullrich (Author): Heiner Matthias Priesnitz Pencil drawings. Künzelsau 2016, ISBN 978-3-89929-341-8

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Klimt (Ed.): Kürschner's Handbook of Visual Artists. Berlin 2007, ISBN 3598247370 - Online at Google Books
  2. kuenstlerbund.de: Members "P" / Heiner-Matthias Priesnitz (accessed on November 14, 2015)