Heinrich Einhof

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Heinrich Einhof (born October 18, 1777 in Bahrendorf near Hitzacker , † February 28, 1808 in Möglin ) was a German agricultural chemist.

Einhof, the son of a magistrate, originally a pharmacist, became an employee and teacher of natural sciences at Albrecht Daniel Thaer's agricultural teaching institute in Celle in 1802 . In 1804 he moved with Thaer to Möglin , where he continued teaching at the Agricultural Academy in Möglin .

In mid-June 1806 Thaer wrote personally to the Prussian king:

“In order to carry out the whole lesson plan, I need a teacher, Nahmens Einhof, who has been tried and tested at my previous institute, which I have therefore brought with me and have not received so far without sacrifice. For six years he has devoted his excellent physical, chemical and natural history knowledge and work to the establishment and justification of the teaching of agriculture and the technical trades connected with agriculture; whereby he has the gift of an uncommonly clear and attention-grabbing lecture, which is especially geared towards those who do not devote themselves to natural science ex professio, but want to understand its teachings sufficiently to be able to apply them to practical trades. So I dare this Einhof Ewr. To recommend Majesty for any award and I vouch for his erudition and merits, already recognized by the chemical public, as well as for his legal and honorable attitudes. "

- GStA PK II. HA Gen. Dir. Gen.-Dep. Tit. 93 No. 5, Bl. 45 r

Already at the end of June 1806 Einhof received the "character of professor" from the king.

As Thaers "house chemist", Einhof carried out numerous plant, soil and fertilizer analyzes in Celle and Möglin. He published his test results mainly in the Annalen der Niedersächsische Landwirthschaft edited by Thaer and in the Annalen des Ackerbaues . Einhof is one of the pioneers of modern agricultural chemistry.

A close friendly relationship existed between Thaer and Einhof. The early death of Einhof was a serious personal loss for Thaer. Thaer published parts of Einhof's left-hand notes in 1808 under Einhof's name as a plan of chemistry for agriculture .

Main work

  • Outline of chemistry for agriculture - from Heinrich Einhof's late Königl. Prussia. Professors to Mögelin left data . Published by Albrecht Thaer, First Part, Berlin 1808.


  • William Löbe:  Einhof, HE In: General German Biography (ADB). Volume 5, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 760.
  • Hans-Heinrich Müller: Albrecht Thaers employee in Möglin . In: Annual issue of the Albrecht-Thaer-Gesellschaft Vol. 25, 1991, pp. 63–74.
  • Klaus Dieter Schwenke: Heinrich Einhof, the chemist Albrecht Thaers, teacher and researcher in Celle and Möglin . In: Annual issue of the Albrecht-Thaer-Gesellschaft Vol. 32, 2004, pp. 71-88 (with picture and extensive bibliography).