Heinrich Georg Froböse

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Heinrich Georg Froböse (* around 1642 in Neustadt am Rübenberge ; † October 12, 1704 in Döhren near Hanover ) was a German Protestant pastor .


Heinrich Georg Froböse was born in the last years of the Thirty Years War in the city of Neustadt am Rübenberge.

Street sign on the corner of Frobösestrasse and Brückstrasse in Hanover with an explanatory legend about the Döhren clergyman

In 1673 Froböse took over the pastorate in the village of Döhren. He took over all writings and letters to and from the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz inclusion in the World Soundtrack Awards .


The historic street of the former village of Döhren, which was called Pfarrstraße in 1896 and Döhrener Pfarrstraße in 1920 and which connects Am Lindenhofe with Brückstraße, was named Frobösestraße in 1927 after the former owner of the Döhrener pastor's office.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Helmut Zimmermann : Frobösestrasse , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 85
  2. Kai Hendrik Schwahn (editor), Nora Gädeke, Monika Meier (arrangement), Sven Erdner (collaborator): Leibniz: All writings and letters , ed. from the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen. Series I: General, Political and Historical Correspondence , ed. from the Leibniz Research Center Hanover of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen at the Leibniz Archive of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library Hanover. Vol. 24: October 1704 - July 1705 (= Studia Leibnitiana , Vol. 48, 2016, No. 2: 272-274), Berlin - Boston: de Gruyter Academy Research, 2015, p. 32; limited preview in Google Book search