Heinrich Hilgenreiner

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Heinrich Hilgenreiner (born November 3, 1870 in Prague , † October 24, 1953 in Spillern , Lower Austria ) was a German-Bohemian surgeon and orthopedic surgeon.

Heinrich Hilgenreiner (around 1950)


Heinrich Hilgenreiner was the son of an architect who immigrated to Bohemia from Hesse . He studied medicine at the Karl Ferdinand University and served as a military doctor during the First World War . After the war he became professor and director of the children's clinic in Prague. Interned in Prague for a few weeks after the end of World War II , he was deported to Austria in 1946, where he lived in Marienhof (municipality of Spillern) until his death .

Hilgenreiner was a specialist in the diagnosis of hip dysplasia and the (conservative) therapy of dysplasia-related hip dislocation. Hilgenreiner's auxiliary lines are a system of lines on an X-ray that are used for diagnosis. The abducting Hilgenreiner splint was used for gentle therapy and replaced more brutal methods.

His brother Karl Hilgenreiner was a theologian, Christian social politician and also a professor at the Karl Ferdinand University. His daughter Hertha Feest was a well-known Viennese lawyer. His grandchildren are Johannes Feest , Gerhard Gleich , Christian Feest .


  • Heinrich Hilgenreiner and Victor Lieblein: Congenital dysplasia of the hip. 10 years of abduction brace . In: Journal for orthopedic surgery including therapeutic gymnastics and massage , Vol. 63 (1935), pp. 344-483.

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the community cemetery records of the market town of Spillern