Heinrich Plaza

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Heinrich Plaza (born July 10, 1912 in Hultschin , † February 20, 1968 in Altötting ) was a German concentration camp doctor and SS-Hauptsturmführer . He was the head of pathology in Buchenwald concentration camp .

Plaza had a doctorate in medicine and joined the NSDAP ( membership number 6.446.500) and SS (SS number 352.853) in 1938. In the SS he reached the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer in 1942. He was the head of the pathological department at Buchenwald concentration camp and representative of Waldemar Hoven . There he participated in the mass murder. Allegedly out of incompetence, he changed jobs several times until the end of the war, so after 1943 he worked in the Mittelbau-Dora and Ohrdruf , Dachau , Natzweiler , Auschwitz and Stutthof concentration camps . After 1945 he ran a doctor's practice in Perach in the Altötting district . Due to an advanced multiple sclerosis , his investigation was discontinued in 1952 by the Traunstein public prosecutor . A French military court sentenced him to death in absentia in 1954.


  • Ernst Klee : The Personal Lexicon for the Third Reich - Who Was What Before and After 1945. Frankfurt am Main, 2nd edition: June 2007, p. 464.
  • Ernst Klee : Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices and victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons , S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2013, ISBN 978-3-10-039333-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to Ernst Klee: Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices and victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons , Frankfurt am Main 2013, p. 317
  2. ^ Ernst Klee: Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices and victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons , Frankfurt am Main 2013, p. 317
  3. David A. Hackett. The Buchenwald Report. Beck 2002, p. 256