Heinrich Schuh

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Heinrich Schuh (born September 18, 1873 in Interlaken ; † May 5, 1955 in Küsnacht ) was a Swiss electrical engineer and co-founder of Sprecher & Schuh AG in Aarau .


After the technical center in Winterthur, he first worked in Oerlikon and Basel and then started at the measuring instrument company Dr. Paul Meyer AG in Berlin. In 1896 he married. In 1900 he returned to Switzerland and became head of the equipment department at the Alioth electricity company .

In 1902 Carl Sprecher (1868–1938) brought him as a partner in his company, which was then called Sprecher, Fretz & Co. , and in the following year, after Hans Fretz (1868–1941), he resigned from Sprecher & Schuh AG . He had a keen sense of form and turned the clumsy devices into functional and pleasing switching devices. In 1914, Sprecher retired from management. After the efforts of the First World War, Schuh also withdrew from the business in 1919. Subsequent participation in a small machine factory was disappointing.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Steigmeier: Hans Fretz. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . November 4, 2009 , accessed September 2, 2012 .