Heinrich Uhde

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Heinrich Uhde (* 1937 ) is a German lawyer, retired judge , dog handler, hunter and non-fiction author.


After studying law , Uhde worked as a judge at the Burgdorf District Court in the family court from 1969 until his retirement . After his retirement, he completed training as a mediator .

At the age of 16 he passed the hunter examination. With the training of guard dogs and later of hunting dogs , he then earned money outside of school. Uhde has been a test judge in the Hunting Dog Association since the 1960s . In 1971 he became president of the association and in 1986 honorary president. He led seminars and wrote specialist books.

Uhde himself led a German hunting terrier bitch until the end of 1978 , three Bavarian mountain welding dogs in succession since 1977 and Hanoverian welding dogs since 1989 .

Uhde has been a member of the Rotary Club in Lehrte since 1989 and was also part of its board at times.



  • Appendix about the hunting dog , in: Helmut Raiser: The protection dog: the training of working dogs for the protection service , Parey, Hamburg / Berlin 1979 and more often, ISBN 3-490-40112-3
  • Adaptation by Alice Gross: The useful hunting dog , 5th extended edition, Landbuchverlag, Hanover 1984 and more often, ISBN 3-7842-0299-3
  • with Friedrich Karl von Eggeling : The hunter and the hunting business: types of hunting, game exploitation and dog management , Parey, Hamburg / Berlin 1986 and more often, ISBN 3-490-27512-8
  • The hunting dog system: history, races, breeding, keeping, training, testing, law, art; 100 years of the Jagdgebrauchshundverband eV (JGHV). Landbuchverlag, Hanover 1999 and more often, ISBN 3-7842-0577-1
  • Adaptation of Hegendorf: The working dog. Keeping, training and breeding. Completely updated and expanded new edition, Kosmos, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-440-08149-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Uhde: Some remarks on the hunting dog system in the hunters 'community and in the old district of Burgdorf ( memento from October 20, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), website of the Burgdorf hunters' association, accessed on July 18, 2011
  2. a b Sabine Szameitat: The judge's dog facilitates contact , in: Anzeiger für Lehrte und Umgebung from July 16, 2011, p. 4
  3. Birgit Schröder: Heinrich Uhde's responsibility does not end at his own garden fence , market mirror from July 17, 2011, accessed on July 18, 2011
  4. ^ Club and membership directory of Rotarians in the Federal Republic of Germany 2002/2003